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Riviera Maya TTD or Rehearsal Dress

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When we went to Mexico for the first time a few years ago, I noticed these linen/cotton dresses they have at all the little shops. They are halter dresses with some type of embroidery around the waist. I always liked the dresses and when we got engaged in Mexico last year, I bought one of the dresses for our engagement pictures (totally spur of the moment pictures done by the hotel photographer). I thought this dress might make a good TTD or rehearsal dinner dress, its light, cute and it has the traditional flair to it. Here are the pictures of my dress so you know what I'm talking about. I got mine at a little shop in Playa DelCarmen for about $15, but they're everywhere.


Click the image to open in full size.


Wow that's a small picture, let me see if i can get it bigger.

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