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We just got served......


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First of all I want to say thank you to ALL of you who sent good thoughts our way and kept us in your prayers today. We all really needed it. Thank you all for offering to punch my ex-sister in the face - believe me, I was close to driving my truck through her house in hopes of plowing her down myself.


Here's what happened:


Last night we were watching Ghosthunters and a cop knocks on the door and serves us with papers telling us to be at social services at 9am this morning. He didn't tell us why or what it was for - we just assumed my sister was behind it.


After a night of tossing and turning and having the core of my soul ache because I was scared on one hand and thinking the worst - yet knowing on the other hand we had nothing to hide.


I got myself out of bed and cried. I cried in the shower, I cried for the hour I stood in my closet trying to find something to wear on judgement day. I cried when I called my dad before we left, and I cried all the way there. FI stood strong and was a rock during all of this.


We get to the family crisis center 10 minutes early and the detective comes out and tells FI he has to leave because they don't want me or the kids intimidated while we are waiting to get interviewed. WTFhuh.gif?? They tell him to leave and come back in 45 minutes so he leaves. He told me later that he went to the church where we baptized our son and spoke to the priest for some support.


So there I sit with my two kids. Then the social worker comes out and tells me she is going to interview my daughter with the detective and video tape, etc. I keep asking why are we here and no one will tell us. They said they will tell us after they interview my daughter. So as I kiss my daughter goodbye as I watch her walk down the hall with this complete stranger - I know she is going to reveal herself to someone she has never met in her life and I feel so violated. I feel this stab in my heart and I immediately start crying. I can't control the sobs. I have never felt so alone in my life. I stood there with my son and felt like my world was ending. After crying alone for about 10 minutes I pull myself together and after 30 minutes or so my FI comes back in.


He told me that the detective told him that my sister called and made allegations. He didn't know what they were, only that she was behind it. So after a while my daughter comes out with the social worker and then I go back. We go into the interview room and sit down and the social worker. She asks me if I know why we are here. I tell her that I'm sure it has to do with my sister accusing us of something. I said to her, "Better yet - why don't you tell me why I'm here because no one will tell me exactly why". The social workers exact words are:


"In late May (last week) we recieved a call stating that there was possible sexual abuse between your daughter and FI. (I didn't even have time to take it all in before she said) - After interviewing your daughter there is absolutely no evidence of this and these allegations ARE FALSE"!!!! "Your daughter showed no signs of abuse, sexually or otherwise. She is a very smart, articulate girl and you have done a good job in telling her about good touching and bad touching. There is nothing to worry about - based on our findings there is nothing going on".


I just smiled and said, "I know - this is ridiculous". I felt like the 10 ton elephant was off my chest. I then went on to tell her my whole drama saga story with my ex sister. She was very understanding and seemed to think that my ex sister was a nut case. She asked me a lot of of other questions but basically it was nothing. After we finished, she called in FI and interviewed him and we were done.


Since it is an investigation we have to finish it out with a home visit and she will be contacting my daughters teacher and pediatrician regarding her ADD meds. She will also be contacting my ex-sister to tell her that her allegations were false. They can take it from there - we just want to be left alone and as far as my ex-sister is concerned - I'm through with her for good.


I am just happy that we are vindicated. I think my FI is the strongest man in the world. If he can get through this without walking away - and after all of this he STILL wants to marry me - I am absolutely the luckiest girl in the world!


My daughter was very shaken by this. I am emotionally and physically drained. I am happy that we are having a party for our kids on Saturday because my girl in particular, needs a celebration. She has been put through the wringer .


My ex-sis told my dad she had nothing to do with it. My dad came over after he got off work today and we told him everything. We were there till noon, but I tell you - this was by far the longest day of my life.


I am happy to have it behind us. I told my dad that he can deal with my ex-sis. I am through with her. She will never ever see my kids. I am washing my hands of her. FI's mom and I had a good long cry and talk when we got home. I am so thankful that she does not judge me because of my family.


I am happy it is over and YES - I am celebrating as we speak with a vodka lemonade and damn I feel good!


Thank you all for the well wishes.


Love ya!



PS - I'm sorry if I offended anyone for using the C word in the description of my now ex-sister.

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Celina - that is really good news! I am sorry that this day was so draining and especially difficult for your daughter but she sounds really strong.


Your sister is a fucking nutcase - the best thing you can do for you and your kids is keep her away.

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That's great news, Celina! I can't imagine what you are going through. That is horrible, however you have legal backing that NOTHING was ever going on! Good for your for staying strong and not retaliating. Big hug!

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I am so glad everything seems to be better now and you are home with your family. And again, I am sorry you are going through this. Your sister sounds very vindictive. Why is she so angry. What she did is beyond reprehensible. Wow. There are just no words.

Just take this time to be with your FI and your kids and fam.

Hugs and blessings.

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Oh thank God everything is ok, Celina. I was thinking about you all day. I think you are doing the best thing by cutting your sister off. You and your family don't deserve that.


Have another drink and get some good rest tonight!! ((Hugs)))

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I'm so glad to see good news. Its horrible what some people will do. I was a CASA and worked with CPS and somethings I heard were horrendous. I'm glad to hear everything went good. You deserve to celebrate. I wonder if anything bad will happen to your X-sis for making false report. In texas I know you can get some heat for doing that.

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