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We just got served......


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Wow Celina.. I'm completely shocked. Maria gave some great advice and I'll be there in spirit tomorrow lending virtual support. What a completely shitty thing for your sister to do. I'm so sorry you are going through this!

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Celina, I am so sorry to hear about this. I just can't believe a family member would really do something like this to you. I know how worried you must be right now, but please try to trust that the truth will come out in the end and your sister will get her "Karma".


I will be praying for you and your children.

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Celina, I am so so sorry this is happening to you. I can't even fathom what it feels like to have your own flesh and blood do something so hurtful. I know how awful it feels about the possibility of your child's well-being to be in the hands of a complete stranger.....


My daughter's father tried to ask for custody about 5 years ago solely because he didn't want to pay child support and I remember it was the most horrible and stressful time in my life. Luckily things worked out because his intentions were insincere, and I think that along with faith is what you have to keep in your heart. You have truth on your side and that is something that will prevail.


Stay strong, and remember to stay level-headed and calm but stick to your guns when you have to appear before the DSS or if it goes before a judge. I worked in the legal field for about 12 years, and if there's one thing I've come to learn is that first impressions and the way one carries themselves means everything. Be prepared with all your info and any documentation you might need. And just remember you have truth on your side, you are a good Mom and keep faith that everything will work out in the end.


Like the rest of the girls, my thoughts and prayers are with you smile03.gif

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Celina, I am so sorry you are going thru this. I remember your original posting about your crazy-ass sister and I think everyone on BDW would love to punch her in the face. I think what Maria said is entirely true and great advice though. Document, document, document! Good luck today!

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Oh my dear lord. I cannot even imagine what you are feeling and going thru. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


I sincerely hope (but strongly doubt) that your sister did this out of genuine, open concern for your daughter and not out of some spiteful, nasty desire to do you and your family any harm.


Take Maria's advice and document everything. Keep your lawyer on speed dial. Stay strong.


Keep us posted.

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