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My dress won't zip!...And I leave in 12 days!

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I have learned that the more water you drink the more water you lose and you can have a lot of water weight you just don't know about.. also it curbs your hunger! good luck and you'll fit into it perfectly! no worries!

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If you want to lose some weight quickly and make sure that it stays off long enough for the wedding, I wouldn't do the wraps or the plastic bag sweating thing. These work only because they dehydrate you. As soon as you become hydrated again, you are back to where you started. It would be best to drink your water and eat smaller portions, and cut out salts and sugars while getting some good workouts in.

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Originally Posted by melody View Post
This really helps...I have done it and lost 7 pounds...I had overindulged during the holidays.

Sacred Heart Diet
Okay I am sooooooo doing this. My discipline is kicking in now. I had a grilled chicken salad today (with no dressing) but now I'm going to go home and have some of this Lipton soup.
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My only advice is to try to squeeze in some Cardio if not every day every other for at least 45 min. Watch what you eat, try to lower your calorie in take to only 1600 cals a day if possible. Just remember that its important to not cut out meals though, this will only break your system down and if it was me that means getting sick. Snack in between meals on fresh fruit such as apple slices or veggies like carrots or celery. And drink plenty of water...

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CARDIO, CARDIO, CARDIO!!!!!!!!!!!! And I would bust out the crunches/ ab machines at the gym. That's great that you aren't freakin' out (you sound pretty mellow like me) I actually work better under pressure, and I know you won't have any trouble shedding a few lbs, just get your heart rate up so you burn fat! Also, great that you are drinking water, that helps flush the system (as you know obviously) Good luck girl, you will look great, AND if you're lucky, still be able to breath....j/k hehe :)

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ahh, I've so been there! I had a BM dress that came in late - a week before the wedding - and it wasn't even close to zipping. I cut out sugar, soda, and liquor, and ate sensible small meals and lost 6lbs in 1 week. I also walked every single night for 45-60minutes at a decent pace.


Also, while those heart diets can work, I tried one a while back and I was so light headed and sick feeling the entire time. And that is not what I'd want to be on my wedding day! IMO I'd stick with eating sensible and getting some workouts in.

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