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Order of the reception

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We entered our reception and immediately did our first dance...it was perfect. Then I had wanted to cut the cake before dinner (but eat it after) just to get it out of the way and so the photographer could get it..but then he offered to stay late. so we did cake when we were done eating.


We didn't do the other dances. he didn't want to...hi mom was a little bit sad about that...but it all worked out. For those doing the other dances I would say maybe do those right after your dance so you get all that out of the way too...or even cut your dance in the middle and dance to the same song...I felt like ours went on so long!


Oh yeah and speeches were during dinner!

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At the DW reception, I think that for the father/daughter dance, I will dance with our son (he'll be 16 months then) and my FI will dance with our daughter (3 years old). We still aren't sure that FI mom will be there, and I know that my dad would probably be relieved not having to dance.


AHR - not really sure yet. We may do it the same, or we may do it with the parents.

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So help me out with this one. If I have dinner at the Mammee Bay, we can do our first dance there before dinner? Is that correct? I would just assume to get the first dance, cake cutting, and speeches out of the way so by the time we get to the Disco, we can party. Thanks for the help.

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i have no idea what i'm doing. my fsil did her first dance right when they entered and it was really nice. i might do it that way, just to get it out of the way. fi can't dance always stepping all over my feet, so we are basically doing the sway. he doesn't even want a dance but i think you should have one even if you can't dance.

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  • 1 month later...

This is the order of how our reception is going:

1) Bridal party introduction

2) Bride and groom introduction

3) First dance

4) Father/daughter dance

5) Cake cutting

6) toasts

7) serving of the food


We are going to do everything right from the start, so that the rest of the reception can just be dancing and having fun...without having to keep bothering everyone for something else. We are not doing the bouquet/garter toss

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this is what we did...


Bridal party introduction...


Bride and groom introduction...


Sat down to dinner...


Dad gave welcome speech during serving of the salad...


Toasts were made during next course...


Cake cutting immediately followed main course to announce the dessert bar (cake was plated and served at the table)...


Shortly after cake...


Bride/Groom dance which included grabbing all people to dance with us towards the end of the song...


Father/daughter dance...


then opened the dance floor to all...

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