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What to bring to dress fitting - Q for those who've been there

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Hi Ladies!!!


I have my first dress fitting today, and I am SOOOOO excited!!


Here's the thing: the salon has told be to bring my undergarments, shoes and veil. However, it is POURING RAIN today. I get the shoes and undergarments, but do I really have to bring my veil?


The shop is a good 10 minute walk from my office, and I dont want it getting wet. I could take a cab, but it will take me that long just to find one.


Thoughts? Suggestions?

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yay take pics! can you put your veil into something plastic to protect it? otherwise if not, i think you should tell them you didnt want to get the veil wet and juts not bring it.

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Well, crap! I just realized that I don't have my camera with me! I've been meaning to post photos of my invites that I finally put in the mail.


I guess the cell phone will have to do.


I'll see if I can't find a plastic bag somewhere.

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I took everything, the undergarments, slip, both pairs of shoes, veil, and jewelry! I wanted to see the whole package!


At my first fitting I didn't have the veil and just used one there at the boutique that was similar to mine.


If you can't find a bag, use a trash bag, lay it flat and roll it so it doesn't get all smashed and wrinkled.

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I didn't take my veil with me. I already knew it looked good with the dress. I think that's the only reason to bring it- so you can see the total package. :)


I didn't have shoes or undergarments so I just wore some undies and called it good. LOL

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