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Bringing your fiance dress shopping?

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Just curious, did any of you bring your future husband dress shopping with you? My friends/family live too far to go with me. I thought mine would not want to go, but it turns out he is interested, and I'm used to his opinion on everything else we do!


Is the dress supposed to be a total surprise?

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I did not take my FI dress shopping and I really do think it should be a total surprise. The reason is that to be honest I'm buying this amazing dress so when I come down that aisle I take his breath away! If he saw the dress now than it would spoil the effect.


I have to admit that I also hhad diffciculty with not taking my Fi because I rely on him for his opinion on so many things! But anyway my vote is Keep It a Surprise!

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Point taken, there should be a certain wow factor. But if he does see me in it before (ponytail, no makeup) I think he will still be in awe when he sees me all done up, walking down the aisle.


My bridesmaids have instructed me to take pictures and email them since they are far from me, so I will (sort of) have their help. I'm just such a sap blush2.gif My fiance and I do everything together so my instinct is to involve him in this.


You've given me something to think about, maybe I should go it alone and keep him in suspense until June?

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Do you have a friend from work or someone you spend time with aside from your FI?

I am just asking because I am very far away also and I took a friend from work and she was so excited I asked her to go...I really don't think you should take your FI because I know mine personally is excited to see me all done up that day. I did however have him look through the david's bridal catalog and pick out which ones he liked so I had a better idea of what he was picturing for me-of course he has no idea which one I picked, but I think that's the best part of the wedding day.

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In all honestly, my FI and I do everything together as well, but no he didn't go with me, I want the wow factor the day of our wedding. And IMO I think it should be a special moment the first time he sees you in your dress. Besides your wedding day will be the day you look your best..

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I say no way to this one.


I have been doing all my dress shopping alone so far and it's actually easier than you would think. I go in, try on 20 dresses, and am out in an hour. I immediatly know if a dress is a yes or a no - no advice needed. I think it would be so much harder if I had 5 people (or even just FI) with me saying everything looked beautiful. Guess what, every dress doesn't look beautiful.


I think you should try to get one person to go with you if you really need it, but not FI. You only get that surprise factor once in your life. You don't want to tell your kids "the first time daddy saw me in my dress was in the David's Bridal dressing room."

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I say no. My FI and I do everything together too, but no way would he come dress shopping with me and I don't want him to see me in my dress before the wedding anyway. I printed pics of a lot of dresses I liked off the computer and had him look through a davids bridal catalog to see what he really liked, he actually liked a lot of the same styles I did, so that makes it easy, but he doesn't want to know what my dress looks like, he wants it to be a surprise.


I have also gone shopping by myself, most of the times I've gone, and I love it. Its so much better than having a million people with you giving their opinions. I've know narrowed my dress choices down to 4 (really 2, but I wanted to have a few dresses to show my mom & sister) so I'll try those on for them in a couple of weeks and make my final decision.

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I agree with all the girls here. I say no way to bringing him. That is just me though. There are not many things about your wedding you keep secret, this is the one thing. You will both miss out on a special moment if he sees the dress on you, before the day.


I also showed my FH bridal magazines to get his opinion, that is as far as I will go, he will not know which one I picked, untill he sees me in it.

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I personally want the surprise, but it's so hard not to ask his opinion! Paul doesn't want to hear or know anything about my dress, I've tried even getting him to show me what he likes! No luck - it will be a total surprise, and I can't wait to see his face!


All of my friends are in another state as well. For the most part, I went dress shopping alone - and rather enjoyed it! I could tell what I liked, w/o the opinions of anyone else influencing me. I did bring one of Paul's girlfriends after I had narrowed it down to 2 dresses - and she reaffirmed my pick.

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