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Someone broke into my car and stole some OOT stuff =*(

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What a jerk. Hopefully, the guy gets what he deserves. It sucks that he stole your oot stuff but that's easily replaced unlike the cards. At least you have the satisfaction that the idiot will be really dissappointed when he opens up the cards to find there's no money or gift cards in any of them. I'm a firm believer in paybacks, one day he'll get his.

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Originally Posted by JulieG View Post
I am so sorry this happened to you. Keep looking at your car and thinking about it though, you might realize more things are gone, it took us days to realize some other things were missing that we didn't think about when we filed the report.
It is an awful feeling, I'm sure I'll realize certain things are missing in the next couple days, but hopefully the thief only took off with the mats and the cards. *sigh*

Originally Posted by Jenn3878 View Post
I am so sorry to hear this happened! Some people have nothing better to do than take from others!! But like Julie said it could be worse - thankfully no one was hurt!
You're absolutely right, that is the silver lining in all this, I'm just glad no one was hurt. Thank God!! But my poor little 12 year old is now totally freaked to even go outside =(

Originally Posted by vale View Post
Soooo sorry, thats awful, especially taking things like cards that cannot be replaced. Do you know where it was broken into, perhaps you can scour the area to see if they have dumped the birthday cards, just a thought.
I totally drove through the area this morning when I got home from work (6:30 a.m.) and didn't see anything, even went to look at some nearby trash cans just in case. But no luck whatsoever, unfortunately =(

Originally Posted by cmmdee View Post
Aw! I am so sorry! There is nothing worse than the feeling of having your car broken into and your stuff stolen! 3 years ago, some jackass broke into mine and stole ALL TWO HUNDRED OF MY CDs. Could have DIED.
The good things is your wedding is awhile away and karma is a b*!!! It will get whoever did it in the butt! Trust!!!

I sorry! Hugs!

p.s. You and your FI make a hot couple!! :)
Yanno crazy enough no CD's were taken, and I had tons but DH said that its probably because its so easy to download songs off the internet these days.

I truly empathize with anyone who's gone through this, I can't even imagine what its like to have your home robbed or to be robbed at gunpoint. I'm just glad, the damage was minimal. And you're right, karma is a biatch!!!

Thanks so much for the compliment, it made me smile - I'm a lucky girl, my FI is definitely a cutie and even more beautiful inside =)

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
What a jerk. Hopefully, the guy gets what he deserves. It sucks that he stole your oot stuff but that's easily replaced unlike the cards. At least you have the satisfaction that the idiot will be really dissappointed when he opens up the cards to find there's no money or gift cards in any of them. I'm a firm believer in paybacks, one day he'll get his.
haha, totally agree ~ FI said Im sure he/she/they are sitting at home cursing up a storm and feeling stupid for taking beach mats and a bunch of empty cards!! That gave me a chuckle =)
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Too all the ladies ~ thank you so much for caring. I was feeling so awful last night when it all happened, and your kind words really helped me feel a lot better about the situation grouphug.gif


I too am a firm believer in karma, so whoever took my stuff is in for it. But the other side of me -- the Catholic girl in me -- is also thinking maybe this person was really in dire need of some money, a source of cash, stuff, etc. A desperate person who needed to feed or provide for his/her family. Who knows...it sucks to have even happened. But yes, I'm just glad the damage was minimal and no one in my family was hurt. <sigh of relief>


On a side note, I was too scared to ask FI/DH what his mom said when he told her what happened. I'll have to build up the courage to ask later today.


Nevertheless, I'm now on the hunt for 25 beach mats.....


Again, thank you ladies for all the kind words, it truly means a lot!!! =)

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Those mother f*^%^%$, are going down..

I would be furious if they would stole all my hard work & stuff, ok, it is only stuff, but you are probably working on your wedding day and night, like all of us future brides, and then somebody is coming to ruin it, that sucks!

I know you will get over it, and do things over, but the sentimental stuff, you cannot get back, hopefully, all will be forgiven and forgotten in time, you keep strong.muscle.gif

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