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Someone broke into my car and stole some OOT stuff =*(

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Horrible, exhausted, freaked out, violated, pissed off....these are all accurate ways to describe my mood right now as I sit here at work trying to figure out everything that was taken when some dumb f*#k broke into my car last night. frown.gif


FI, my daughter and I along with FI's best friend and his family spent a great day at Disneyland on Monday. Came home about 7'ish so I could catch a nap before work, so while I'm getting ready for work FI takes my car to get fill it up with gas but when he comes back he says he thinks my car was broken into because the trunk was left open, and the two driver's side doors were left ajar. He didn't bother to tell me when he first discovered it because regardless, I still needed gas to ge to work.


So I go out there, and as soon as I look into my car I knew for damn sure someone freaking ransacked the shit outta my car. Everything was taken outta the glove compartments, moved around, etc., etc. I'm totally freaked because someone was rummaging through my stuff but the weird thing is they didn't bother to take a lot of things (bags full of clothes with receipts and tags, tennis shoes in boxes, 2 nice leather jacket, gift cards??). Then I notice my LAPD headquarters pass and LAPD press pass is laying on my seat and I wonder if they saw it and freaked thinking I'm somehow associated with the police.


We call to report the break-in, and suddenly I realize my freaking beach mats for the OOT bags are missing from my trunk!!! Those freaking jackasses took 25 mats that my FMIL bought for our bags. =( Glad to say they were only 99 cents apiece, but it still hurts because that's wedding stuff, yanno?....Even the deputy that showed up to take the report said how stupid they were for taking something like that. I mean really, what the hell ~ are they doing OOT bags toohuh.gif wtf.gif He also said a detective might call to take prints, so we'll see....


On the way to work, I then realize something else that was taken from my car. We had a suprise 60th bday party for my FMIL, and I took all her bday cards to make a scrapbook. They were in a gift bag in my backseat, and that idiot(s) took those too, probably thinking there were giftcards and checks inside, luckily there weren't. Now that, I truly feel awful about because those were of sentimental value to her and can't be replaced. sad.gif


I'm so mad right now, mad and sad. It's also bothersome that someone went through my stuff...*sigh* I had tons of wedding related things in there, but it's so strange that of all things they took my beachmats and some birthday cardshuh.gif


On a lighter note.......my mom, of course trying to make light of the situation and make me laugh, asked "did they at least leave you a note saying - hey lady, we had a hard time deciding what to steal from you because your car's so messy and full of junk". Mothers, you gotta love em .... smile105.gif


Sorry so long, I needed to vent!!!!

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Ugh! I'm sorry. I read a lot about girls getting their cars broken into on here! I had it happened to me once when I was 19 and don't ever want to go through that again.


It's odd that of all things they decided to just take the OOT placemats! I guess you're lucky that's all they took, but at the same time how annoying!


LOL, can you picture these stupid idiots making OOT bags?! OR maybe they they thought they would make great birthday presents which is why they also took the birthday cards. What jackasses. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you can buy replacements!

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Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
Ugh! I'm sorry. I read a lot about girls getting their cars broken into on here! I had it happened to me once when I was 19 and don't ever want to go through that again.

It's odd that of all things they decided to just take the OOT placemats! I guess you're lucky that's all they took, but at the same time how annoying!

LOL, can you picture these stupid idiots making OOT bags?! OR maybe they they thought they would make great birthday presents which is why they also took the birthday cards. What jackasses. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you can buy replacements!
Jessica, you can't believed how annoyed I am. Ugh!!! The OOT bag making thought is pretty funny though, hehehe. I keep thinking of a guy dressed in all black, with gloves on putting my beachmats in canvas bags. lol. <but still a jackass nevertheless>

Luckily I think we will be able to find replacements. I just hate that the birthday sentiments in all those cards made to my FMIL are all gone, I feel awful having to tell her what happened. frown.gif
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We had our car broken into a few months back so I know what its like. I cried about it at first only because I felt so violated and sick oh and I had just spent hundreds of dollars on baby stuff for my new niece that was on the way and they stole it all, but at the end of the day I realized it could have been so much worse, none of us were hurt and it was only stuff that they took, stuff can be replaced. It sucks, but I was very thankful that we were all safe.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Keep looking at your car and thinking about it though, you might realize more things are gone, it took us days to realize some other things were missing that we didn't think about when we filed the report.

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Soooo sorry, thats awful, especially taking things like cards that cannot be replaced. Do you know where it was broken into, perhaps you can scour the area to see if they have dumped the birthday cards, just a thought.

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Aw! I am so sorry! There is nothing worse than the feeling of having your car broken into and your stuff stolen! 3 years ago, some jackass broke into mine and stole ALL TWO HUNDRED OF MY CDs. Could have DIED.

The good things is your wedding is awhile away and karma is a b*!!! It will get whoever did it in the butt! Trust!!!


I sorry! Hugs!


p.s. You and your FI make a hot couple!! :)

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