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Mel's LONG Review of Las Caletas May 27th Wedding

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What a fantastic time!! We had many bumps in the road during the whole wedding process and many times I thought about cancelling the whole thing because it would save me the headache, but I am SOOOOOO glad that I didn’t because my wedding was perfect, well there were lots of things that happened but I didn’t let them bother me because who cares.


We left for PV on Saturday, May 24 on US Airways. We were carrying my dress and everything went fine. We went through security with no problem and found a spot to hang it up in the terminal. I told the lady at the front desk that I had a wedding dress so that she could warn the flight attendants that there was one coming on. Her response was “so, what do you want me to do about it” I explained to her why I was telling her and she said “tell them not me” B***H. Whatever ok still in a good mood. We get on the plane and I tell the flight attendant asked her to put it in their closet. She rudely said “we don’t have one it goes in the overhead compartments” I had called US Airways ahead of time and they told me that the flight attendants had closets on board and could put it in there. We walked through first class and saw the jacket hangers and asked if we could hang it there and she said no because we were not in first class. Who cares it’s my wedding dress and the people in first class offered to put it there and say it was theirs for me. The same flight attendant jumped their asses and said that they couldn’t do that. Another flight attendant jumped in and said it wasn’t because we weren’t in first class it was because it was in a garment bag. Again, who cares? It’s obvious it’s a wedding dress and not something else. We got back to our seats and had to fold my dress in half and basically shove it into the overhead compartment because the flight was completely full. I was so upset at this point and in tears, I didn’t want anything to happen to it. I knew we could steam the dress but I was worried about it getting ripped or smashed and tearing the beads off. DH and dad both asked to get the one flight attendant’s name and employee number, but instead of giving it to us she offered for us to get off the plane and speak to the supervisor. Our first comment was well is the plane going to leave us then…she said she would bring the supervisor on board instead. Low and behold the supervisor was the same lady that I had told I had a wedding dress outside. She attempted to explain why we couldn’t put the wedding dress in first class and said they couldn’t make exceptions, said that whoever I talked to was wrong and none of their planes have closets, and that they had not had any wedding dress come on board in over 7 years (so why would exceptions not be ok if they never come on?). OK so got nowhere with her or with anyone else. Just had to hope and pray that the dress would ride ok. The really mean flight attendant ended up giving us free beer during the flight. We got to Mexico and the dress seemed to be ok. It took us about 2 hours to get through customs then we were off to the hotel.


We stayed at the Melia Puerto Vallarta Resort. We were very pleased with the hotel and the service, the food was always good, and the pool was always warm. It rained every day we were there until Wednesday. This made me super nervous because I didn’t want it to rain on my wedding and thankfully it didn’t, although it rained some during the morning. The locals are saying that the rainy season has arrived early, so I wish all of the people having weddings from here on until October the best of luck.


We went for our site visit on Monday and enjoyed our day at Caletas. We found out that the parrots that greet the boats are trained and that they have been trained to be a part of the wedding as well if we wanted it. We jumped at the opportunity and paid for it. They began training the parrots that day since they had not done a wedding in a couple of months. I was watching them train and got really nervous because they kept flying way out over the water instead of to the post like they were supposed to. I could just picture our rings being dropped into the water never to be found, but I kept an open mind and said that we could still do it. After lunch Kelley found us and said that the catamaran that was supposed to take us out the next day was on its way to Mazatlan for engine maintenance, so our option would be to take a catamaran out that was good for 200 people or a sailboat. We chose the sailboat since there was only 15 of us. Later we found out that the 200 person catamaran had already been reserved for something else so we really didn’t have a choice. Since we had the sail boat we would have to be at the marina where their office is at by 3:15 instead of 4:15. I was just glad that we didn’t have to take a panga out there and that I hadn’t already bought everyone’s port tax ticket that morning. That night we had a rehearsal dinner at the hotel and had to explain to everyone what was going on.


Mom, my MOH, my sis, photographer, and I left for Caletas on the early morning boat. We were worried that we would have too much time, but in the end were really glad that we went early. We got front seats on the top deck right in front of the captain. Once we got off we found out that most people on the bottom deck and a few on the top got sick the whole way there. We didn’t even know it, but am sure glad or it would have made me sick too. The sea was very rough the entire time we were in PV so it made for some rocky boat rides. We got to Caletas and Kelley showed us to the Bridal Suite. We just relaxed, took naps, and used the hot tub outback. Don’t let Kelley lie to you when she says that the water out there or in the shower doesn’t get that warm. HA…we couldn’t use it for awhile cuz it was too hot. We had lunch and then got ready. My MOH did my hair, God Bless her. I have a lot of it and I know she was getting cramps in her arms from curling it all but she still trucked on. We thought we were doing great on time until the sailboat with the guests, other photographer, and DH showed up 45 mins early. They had really great wind on the way there so made awesome time. Kelley told them to do a few laps out in the bay so that she could finish getting everything set up and we could finish getting ready. They messed around out there for awhile and then went to “park” at the dock so that everyone could get off. This was from what I hear a not so pleasant experience. The dock, for one, is not made to accommodate sailboats so they couldn’t get the ramps down in a good position, then the seas were so rough that they couldn’t get close enough to tie the boat off. So they anchored out a little ways off the beach and used a panga to tender everyone to the dock. At the dock they had to climb up a ladder and pull themselves onto the dock. This made them about 20 mins late from when they were supposed to be there. Then everyone got soaked on the way over from the rough sea so they all had to use blow dryers and change before the ceremony started. Meanwhile I don’t know what is going on at all. All I know is that my MIL is in the bridal suite making herself beautiful and we are supposed to be ending the ceremony but yet we haven’t even started it. Later I also found out that FIL got lost because DH told him where they kept the parrots, but FIL thought he said that is where the parents go, so he went that way. Again whole time I know nothing and am getting really annoyed that they are not ready.


We got the cue to start our trek down the millions of stairs, not really but sure felt like it since I kept worrying about falling. Of course my dress was hiked up to my waist so that I could walk ok. I sure hope that the photographer got pictures of that! We finally meet the guys at the platform and my sis and MOH head down. Music is what it is supposed to be and everything is going great. Now my turn. I hear the right song— I could not ask for more, by Sara Evans—and I seriously start to freak. Not because of what I am doing but because now I have to walk on my own with my dress down and not trip. I am so afraid of stairs and can’t do them without a handrail and now I had to. I saw my dad and he was standing on the wrong side so I somehow had to tell him to move over without making it obvious. He finally got the hint and moved. We walked down the stairs and there I saw him, DH standing there with the biggest smile on his face. I made it to him and had not tripped. YEAH! Challenge one down…now onto not saying something stupid. Brad opened up and began with the ceremony. Mike joked a couple of times to lighten the mood, at first I didn’t like it but now I thought it was great. Wouldn’t be him without it. After Brad asked if we were here of our own freewill we said yes then Mike answered “David has a shotgun” David being my dad. Everyone just laughed. Went through our vows and everything went great, although it was very hard to hear Brad over the waves when he is telling us what to say. Ring time….no one but my sis and dad knew what was about to happen. Brad asked for the rings and we turned toward the direction of the parrots. Brad asked the Best man to move over some and the best man looked dumbfounded like, what why? Down came the Military Macaw, click went the camera, and away went the parrot. AHHH…my rings….he has them!!!! All I could picture was that bird flying over the ocean and dropping our rings in the drink. :s They had a second bird on standby in case the first couldn’t do its duties. Down came the Scarlet Macaw, perfect landing and the pass off is a success. When the rings were handed to us I was very relieved. The best man had this look on his face like “woo can’t believe I was standing that close to that, glad I moved.” And my SMIL was freaking out and saying “Oh my god did you see that? Did you know that was going to happen? WOW that was awesome!” She was hilarious. Later Mike told me that Brad had them the whole time since the birds were being a bit stubborn earlier in the day during training. The parrot was supposed to fly right down the aisle and land on a post next to the Best Man and stick its leg out to Brad to get the rings in the little cloth in the parrot’s claws. We exchanged rings. Right after Mike said that he promised to keep me forever a pelican started to “laugh” out on their little wood dock. It was hilarious. Mike laughed and said “I know what you mean.” We did a hand ceremony and then concluded with a sand ceremony. We were finally husband and wife. We walked back to a song we had never heard of, I guess the DJ didn’t see that our recessional song was on the same CD and thought we didn’t have one. Oh well, Mike and I were the only ones that noticed, even though we didn’t really even hear it. Great! Ceremony over…now onto pictures.


We took lots of pictures and had a great time. Our photographers were great Krista was the head photographer and Suzanne was the second photog. They work/own Impressions Photography out of Florida. Krista had scoped out the area before and found a lot of great spots. I thought she was going to die when she accidentally put my train right on top of a candle. I just laughed and said oh well, it doesn’t have to look beautiful now. Although I was a bit concerned about it really catching on fire, rather than just burning a tiny hole, with all of the candles around. I was a bit worried about being barefoot and walking all around to take pictures but I didn’t have any problems, except for when we were on the rocks on the beach.


The dinner tables looked fantastic. I had asked Kelley to use sand, shells, and candles to decorate instead of rose petals. I had described it to her and I didn’t think she understood. I saw it and she asked me how I liked it and I told her it was even better than what I had pictured in my head. She is great! Dinner was great. The cake looked just like the picture I had sent her. We all ate a little piece of it. Kelley came up to me a little bit later and had told me she told the chef to make it a white cake a thousand times but he made it chocolate. HAHA I didn’t even remember, it was still good no matter what.


Dancing went really good, we somehow ended up in the water instead of the dance floor so I had a mini unplanned TTD session. The bonfire was great to dry off, but too warm to stand next to at other times. The dance floor was a little bit small. It looked very small compared to pictures of other people’s weddings, but we made it work. Time to go. We all gathered everything up and headed to the boats. They convinced me to change before we headed back so I did. I am sooooooo very thankful that I did now because it was honestly one of the scariest things I have been through and I don’t think I could have ever done it in my dress. We had to go back down the ladder and get into a panga. I would say the panaga was at least 10 feet below the dock. The panga was all over the place because of the rough waters. They took the first group out and then came back for the rest. Getting onto the sail boat from the panga was aweful. You couldn’t hold onto the side because you would have smashed your fingers in between the sailboat and panaga. The sailboat was going up and the panga was usually on the down instead of in synchrony, which made it that much more difficult. They had to bring over another panga to help steady the panaga we were in and keep it close enough to the sail boat to jump across. Then once we were on the sailboat we had to scurry our way to a seat without falling. Whew everyone on and safe. I have no idea how no one got hurt. My SFIL was sooo drunk he could barely stand up and how he got down that ladder and into the sailboat I have no idea. We had a few others that were older and larger and I have no idea how they did it either. The ride back was fairly smooth compared to what they had on the ride to Caletas. We ended up getting back to PV around 1:30 and still had to walk back to the Melia. Taxis are rare at this time and our hotel wasn’t that far, about a 10 min walk. They all walked there and were all walking back without good buys. Everyone was drunk and tired.


Mike and I got back to our room and he carried me through the door for the whole good luck thing and then nearly dropped me because our room was not decorated like he had asked them to do. I just laughed and said who cares especially if you didn’t pay for it. The next day we went to the pool about 11ish and came back to our room about 2ish. Our room was beautifully decorated with rose petals everywhere, towel swans, curtains tied in bows, and a bottle of champagne on ice. It was great. We got our room decorated after all even though it was a little late.


We gave out OOT bags as people came in. Mike and my dad thought they were a waste of time, but everyone used them. Proved them wrong! Our OOT bags were cloth with a logo I created. They had some sunscreen different medicines, a picture frame, pen and paper, a disposable camera, beach coasters, info packets on PV and things to do, mini sewing kit, mini first aid kit, and a welcome letter with a schedule of events. We had fans put on each chair for the ceremony which were a big hit too. The sewing kit and first aid came in very handy for our Best Man because him and Mike got into a rough housing fight on Sunday night. Best Man split his toe open and fixed himself right up. Ohh, I was soo mad at them because they almost broke my toasting glasses I had worked so hard on. We had fans placed on each of the chairs and most people used them because it was warm from the humidity and none of us are used to that, we are all dry heat people.


If I could change just one thing I would have found a way to hide from family after the wedding. I really wish that Mike and I could have had more alone time and my family wouldn’t have caused so much drama while we were there so that I could have enjoyed ourselves better.


All in all we had a great time. Everyone that we dealt with was really good, I really didn’t have any complaints other than I wouldn’t recommend a sailboat to get to Caletas until they build a better dock for it.


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Mike saying thanks to Roberto that trainer.

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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
OMG Mel - you look amazing! What a goregous bride you were!! I love the turquoise dresses and the beautiful colorful flowers. Congratulations!
The BM dresses cost me $20. I found them on campus. There is this guy that travels to a bunch of different universities and stops by periodically. Such a random place to find them, but I thought they were perfect and definitely in everyone's price range. And the girls can wear them again no problem.
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Great review. Sorry your airline was a bunch of bitches. Mine put the dress in the first class closet even though I wasn't in first class. No reason for them to be a dick to you.


Anyways, sounds like a fabulous time. The parrots are an AWESOME little bonus. That would be such a cool way to have the rings delivered. Your cake looked so intricate. Can't wait to see more pics of all the details.


And the pic of you and hubby is just too cute.

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