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I think I lost my necklace!!! :(


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Mat bought me a beautiful eternity neclace for my birthday in April & I wear it pretty much everyday. Well after a long & busy day of running around I just took off my earrings & reached for my necklace to find out it isn't on me.. and it's not on my side-table (where I keep it when I'm not wearing it!)


I am so exhausted from this past weekend that I can't even remember if I put it on this morning! I'm currently at my parents house & it's not normal routine here so I can't think at all!! Both my parents wake-up early in the morning so I can't even ask if they remember seeing me wear it because they're sleeping!!


I'm on the verge of freaking out!!! I am horrible for misplacing things (okay, losing things.. there I said it!) & I am sooo afraid to have lost this!!!! Mat bought me beautiful diamond earrings & a small ring before & they both went missing about 3 years ago (we believe it was a plumber actually) He always jokes about not being able to buy me pretty things so when he got me the necklace I was blown away!


I feel so awful right now! I can't stop crying!! I ran around SO MUCH today doing so many errands I don't even know if I can think of all the places I went to call in the morning....



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You poor thing! I hate when I misplace things. Don't worry - sit down and make a list of all the places you went today - then ask your parents first thing in the morning if they saw it - then call the places on your list. I hope you can find it!!

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Oh no! This happens to me a lot and I always end up finding whatever it is weeks later in some obscure spot. I'm sure you did this, but did you check under and around your side table and under your bed and everything? If it's a relatively small/thin necklace, it might have slipped out of sight or something.


I hope you find it!

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Oh I'm so sorry. I remember when I accidently dropped one of my diamond earrings down the bathroom sink I freaked out and started to cry. DH got them for me for our first dating anniversary. He came in and told me he will take the drain off and see if it's there. I couldn't wait for him to come back so I did it and I was so scared when it was time to take it apart. Luckly I heard a "clink" in the bucket. Yeah I learned my lesson after that.


Maybe your necklass will show up somewhere in the house.

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I am SOOOOO happy right now!!!

I ransacked the house & then started calling places I'd been yesterday when my parents dog Oscar, tried to jump off my bed (he's got a cone on so it's difficult for him to move) and along with him tumbling off the bed, my necklace is there with him too!!!

It's strange because I already checked my entire room, including the bedding, so I think it may have been stuck to Oscar!! LOL


PHEW... I am SO relieved!! And tired!! (I was up til 4am freaking out)

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