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More free fireworks at my wedding! Woohoo! (hee)


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So, for those of you who haven't seen the pre-story of my wacky FSIL (who's married) bringing her boyfriend to the wedding, you can catch up here:




But now, the saga continues. Apparently FSIL and boyfriend are now engaged! Which, yay! I hope she's going to be enormously happy! But... um... yeah... she's married. And to the best of the family's knowledge hasn't begun her divorce proceedings. Hmmmm. Can you say "cart before the horse"? (I knew you could).


I sincerely hope she tells the family long, long before we leave for Mexico. I can't imagine she'd even think about making the announcement during the wedding festivities, but who knows. I'll have to have a few people on alert to shut her up if anything looks like it's going awry.


She did tell the FILs that she was planning on bringing boyfriend with her to the wedding, and that went over like a lead balloon. Apparently FMIL (who is a very straightlaced Italian catholic) called her a few choice names (that rhyme with door).


This one is going to be even better. Woo hoo! Free fireworks!

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How do you get engaged someone that's married? Very strange.


Hopefully they're smart enough not to make an engagement announcement at your wedding. That'd be stealing your thunder and not cool. I'm sure in the next couple of months her family will hear about the engagement. Is it definate? How did you find out?

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holy cow, this just gets better and better voodoo.gif how has she not started any of the divorce proceedings? how does she think she can legally marry this guy.... its called polygamy sweetie, and it's illegal! ugh so sorry you have to deal with this crap.

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wow that is going to be interesting...do you think your FI could ask her to keep her engagement annoucement for another time and not ruin your big day...or do they not have a relationship like that?

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rebecca, it is already about as far far in advance as she is going to get at this point, she better get on it!


how odd?!?!

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