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reception on a holiday weekend?

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So my plan for my wedding is to get married in Cabo San Lucas on May 16, 2009, just close family and a few friends attending, then to have a reception back in Los Angeles for everyone. I want to have the reception on Saturday May 23 after we get back from Cabo but I just noticed that this falls on memorial day weekend. Would it be bad form to have a reception on a holiday weekend and would this possibly effect the attendance? There are no reservations made yet so dates can be easily changed.

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I got married December 18 and got home and my reception on the 23rd. Everyone was fine with it. Though everyone wanted us to do christmas theme. UGH! We had no problem with attendance. Though everyone was headed that way for Christmas anyways. But I guess it depends. If you give enough notice people will plan for your reception and not make other plans.

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