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what day is best?


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My fiancee and I are arguing over what day is best to get married in our tropical destination. We are getting married in Costa Rica so, already we can't get married until the third day. He wants to get married at the very end, and I say day four. Any tips?

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We are getting married as soon as our "wait" period is over, which is 2 full business days. We decided to do it this way because we felt we could truly relax after the ceremony is over. Another thing to consider is if your guests are staying a different number of days than you are, which days they will be there.

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We're getting married on a Wednesday. The WC thought it was sort of an odd day to chose but we thought it was the most ideal for the people we know. Everyone LOVED that it was right in the middle of the week; That way they can either come a few days before or stay a few days longer!!

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We're doing the legal ceremony here. And getting married on day 3 there. And then we have a week more to party/vacation. (We awnt as MUCH R & R after the madness that is this wedding!)



I say go for Day 3!

Cause day 1 is a travel day, Day 2, is for planning/prepping, and Day 3, you are ready to go!

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