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Dreams PV WC- Marilu

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After reading soo many bad reviews regarding Marilu at Dreams PV, I'm hoping all us PV brides can chime in and post their reasons. I'm getting a little worried because I really haven't read a good review!


Here are my issues with her:

she doesn't give me complete answer's to my questions. I've asked her 3 times about making a deposit to the hotel. I asked her to send me pictures of the grounds and she sent me 2, one was a table set up on the beach and the other was a reception set up but she did not describe where the location was. My wedding is about a year and a half away. I asked her if she would honor the prices that she's given me so far. She emailed me back saying that she will honor the prices that are on the contract. WHAT CONTRACThuh.gif? All I have are emails and the 2007 wedding info pack.


My fiance called and left her messages and she responded by email saying that she got his messages and asked for him to email her with the questions (again). Why couldn't she just answer them in her email??



pros: She has replied a lot faster than anyother Hotel WC in PV that I have contacted. (i.e. Barcelo Mismaloya took almost 2 months!). She respondes within 48 hours.

She said that I can contract vendors on my own and she can work with them (then again, she didn't clarify if the hotel charges additional fees)

Lastly, when I told Kristin at thedazzlingdetails.com that i was not going to hire her and that I was going to use Marilu only, she said that she's great to work with and that she was very resourcefull.

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OK, here is my opinion based on my experience with trying to plan to early with the resorts WC.


My resorts WC, Edith really when it comes down to it just does not want to deal with me or make me a priority untill the wedding date is a little closer. (I am a end of May 2008 bride) At least this is the impresion I get form her.


However, from reviews I have read, she is fantastic and really pulls through in the end. This may be wear you are hearing that your WC is really good. She probably is thinking "OMG I am so busy with upcomming weddings and this girl wants me to worry about her wedding in July 2008".


Also, Edith doesnt seem to be able to answer my e-mails in full either. But Tammy (host) gave me some really good advice. She said that a lot of the WC and vendors etc in Mexico dont speak English fluently and most times it works better if you keep the e-mails short and to the point. For example ask one question per e-mail. That way she isnt trying to translate a huge letter.


Hope my mumble jumble helped a little. :)

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Hi Jackie,


Its funny because, so far I don't really think that Marilu is that bad. To be honest, its reading everyone else's reviews that are scaring me! Tammy posted in another thread that Marilu is the worst WC that she has had to deal with... that really freaked me out.


About the language thing, I send her emails in spanish but she responds to me in English, weird?


I can totally understand that my wedding is a while away, but she's not letting me know what I should do at this point. I haven't made a deposit and I'm afraid of just sitting around until the wedding gets closer and all I have is an email from her saying that she has reserved the date. I have nothing else.



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she has been horrible to work with. i know some WC are difficult before you book a wedding or if your wedding is a year away but she has been a PITA with ann's wedding.


she will not answer my emails completely or send me the information i have requested.


I actually just went over her head on friday and sent an email to the GM of dreams PV that she was not cutting it. that she either needed to respond faster, with the information i requested or i wanted to work with someone else.


i hope to hear back from him by tuesday because it is a mexican holiday on monday.

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Basically everything that you say, Amy, seems to be happening with me. Tammy has dealt with her the most (or tried to), but I've just started and am not impressed. Granted, I have high standards - but she doesn't seem to be managing the basics.


My biggest complaints:


1) I list out my questions and try to be very clear about what I am looking for; for example, I ask for a list of which areas are available for my dinner, and a picture of each. She responds with 1 picture, and doesn't tell me what it is a picture of. And in a separate email she did mention the pool and beach - yet the only picture she sent was a picture of some kind of patio (may have been the pool).


2) She gives me 1 word answers ("yes" or "no") to questions that I've asked for detail on. The question below was in my email, and all she said was "yes."


2) Also, I see you mention the pool area and the beach - are these the only areas you have available? Ideally I would like an outdoor location, perhaps a terrace overlooking the ocean? Could you please send me pictures that show what these areas look like?


The one response I got back from her took a few days, and has taken longer in the past. What I don't get is why she just doesn't take the time to answer the questions completely; it would make this easier for both of us! There's no way I can justify hiring a WC for my WD only, but at this rate it might be easier!


Also, I've had such a great experience with Nicole so far (Las Caletas WC) that anyone has a lot to live up to!

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
Basically everything that you say, Amy, seems to be happening with me. Tammy has dealt with her the most (or tried to), but I've just started and am not impressed. Granted, I have high standards - but she doesn't seem to be managing the basics.

My biggest complaints:

1) I list out my questions and try to be very clear about what I am looking for; for example, I ask for a list of which areas are available for my dinner, and a picture of each. She responds with 1 picture, and doesn't tell me what it is a picture of. And in a separate email she did mention the pool and beach - yet the only picture she sent was a picture of some kind of patio (may have been the pool).

2) She gives me 1 word answers ("yes" or "no") to questions that I've asked for detail on. The question below was in my email, and all she said was "yes."

2) Also, I see you mention the pool area and the beach - are these the only areas you have available? Ideally I would like an outdoor location, perhaps a terrace overlooking the ocean? Could you please send me pictures that show what these areas look like?

The one response I got back from her took a few days, and has taken longer in the past. What I don't get is why she just doesn't take the time to answer the questions completely; it would make this easier for both of us! There's no way I can justify hiring a WC for my WD only, but at this rate it might be easier!

Also, I've had such a great experience with Nicole so far (Las Caletas WC) that anyone has a lot to live up to!

the bummer thing is the great WCs in PV are expensive. ann, i really think once Marilu realizes i have gone over her head, she will put you as her priority.

this happened at Dreams Cabo and i went over the old WC's head and after that she always got back to me promptly but not other brides, so i started asking the WC questions for them...they eventually fired that WC right before my wedding and the new one (marianna) has been fantastic and always gets back to me within the day usually. i think this will happen with marilu.

i send dreams ALOT of weddings. i also own this forum. they should know better.
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I agree - I just would hate for you to have to handle things for me that I SHOULD be able to do, just because she is afraid of the consequences. She should just do her job well, no matter who she's dealing with! But I totally appreciate the effort you're putting into this - you're going above and beyond, and it doesn't go unnoticed! THANK YOU!


I would think that my event is pretty simple, it's not a wedding - just a casual dinner. Or maybe that's why she's blowing me off, I am not a true Dreams bride. Anyway - let's hope you're right, and it does get better!

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Originally Posted by akh View Post
I agree - I just would hate for you to have to handle things for me that I SHOULD be able to do, just because she is afraid of the consequences. She should just do her job well, no matter who she's dealing with! But I totally appreciate the effort you're putting into this - you're going above and beyond, and it doesn't go unnoticed! THANK YOU!

I would think that my event is pretty simple, it's not a wedding - just a casual dinner. Or maybe that's why she's blowing me off, I am not a true Dreams bride. Anyway - let's hope you're right, and it does get better!
sometimes you need to rock the boat a little. this is NOT the first time she has done this but is pretty consistent in her behavior.
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Okay.. I'm getting very concerned about Dreams and I am starting to have second thoughts.


I emailed Marilu last weekend and have not heard back. I'm reading all these posts by PVBrides on Yahoo with different info. Its seems as thought there is no consistancy in Marilu's answers. Someone just posted that the rates have gone up and I haven't heard anything from her!! Ahhh!!


I'm working on the website and working on sending the STD's by the end of the month. But I'm hesitating now.


What to do??

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