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My Sister

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I cannot understand why you might not want your sister in your bridal party, especially if she's been pissing you off lately. But if you don't have her in your bridal party, you may end up putting an even bigger strain on your relationship. I think if you want your relationship with your sis to get stronger than you should put her in your bridal party. You don't have to make her moh, just a bm. that's just my opion.

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I can understand it. I'm not having my sister in the BP. We're not very close and the trip itself is probably going to strain her budget. Being in the BP would just add more expenses.(that's my logical excuse) Really, we are just not that close and I would rather have my friends because they will mean more to me on the day... I guess if we HAD been close and we were just fighting now I might feel differently.

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Has your sister mentioned not being in your bridal party?


I think it depends on your relationship and how you both feel about it.


I can undersand you not asking her, but I also can't imagine not having my sister in mine. Maybe wait a few months and see if things go well with her and then ask her then. The last thing you want to do is ask her and then have a falling out and then be stressed. You have some time, if she asks who's in your wedding, you could just say you haven't decided yet...just my idea.

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I bet she would be happy if you asked her to be a bridesmaid.

My sis and I aren't the closest but I asked her to be my MOH, being that she's my sister and I will say that through the wedding planning, it has brought us closer.

Your wedding is still a long ways away so I think it would be very cool if you asked her to be a BM :)

Just my opinion, though :)

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