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EDR Reception dinner options: Cocotal vs. Fuentes, BDW tested and approved

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So there has been some discussion on a few threads now re: which is better El Cocotal or Fuentes.


Can people comment:


1) What are both atmospheres like in your opinion?


2) Where did you choose? Why?


3) What menu items did you offer? Please comment on them....


4) if you were to do it again, how would you do it?


5) was it for your rehearsal/actual reception/or just a regular meal you ate at this/these places?




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Originally Posted by BandE2008 View Post
So there has been some discussion on a few threads now re: which is better El Cocotal or Fuentes.

Can people comment:

1) What are both atmospheres like in your opinion? Fuentes was more "casual" I think. Really big and open-- big windows that offered views of the pool-- a huge fountain in the middle of the restaurant. I didn't actually eat at Cocotal- but for the minute I was in the restaurant seemed maybe more formal?!? They had a "water wall" that was really cool looking...

2) Where did you choose? Why? I choose Fuentes bc we were having a private reception afterwards, where we could do the toast, etc- so I wanted a more "fun", open, casual, relaxing dinner. Plus I really liked the idea of the floor-ceilings windows...
3) What menu items did you offer? Please comment on them.... We had Caesar salad and bread (very good), then you could choose between the mahi-mahi or the porkchops- I got the mahi-mahi-- very very good. My DH got the porkchops-- he said they were good (he didn't really elaborate past that- hehe), then we had the cookies and creme brulee which was a big hit- some guests ordered another serving :)
4) if you were to do it again, how would you do it? I would not change anything if I did it over. However, we did have a private dinner the following night on the beach- and the caesar salad for the private dinner on the beach was different than the one at Fuentes(and not very good)- so I think even if you have a similar item at a different place- it doesn't mean it's the same--if that makes sense.
5) was it for your rehearsal/actual reception/or just a regular meal you ate at this/these places? it was our actual wedding dinner that we ate at Fuentes, then we just did the chocolate fountain party at Tucanes afterwards for the actual reception. The wait staff at Fuentes was very attentive to us. The head waiter was introduced to us, Vince spoke with him telling him we had a kinda strict timeline to work with and they had us out on the time we needed....


We meant to eat at Cocotal-- but never did! So I can't really offer a honest opinion on Cocotal- I did run into the restaurant to look at the menu one afternoon and the decor looked really very pretty.
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  • 4 weeks later...

We actually had our wedding reception at Cocotal. It was part of the package we had paid for so we just assumed it would be the best place for it. We really liked it in there, and all of our guests were really pleased with the menu we had chosen. I think it was a 5 course meal with soup for starters, then a pastry type thing, then a choice of meat (chicken teriaki) or vegetable (burritos) dish. Cant remember what we had next then the final course - dessert - was lovely. I think our guests were able to choose their main course and their dessert, but the rest we had chosen for them.


We also ate at Fuentes during our stay there but I was definately glad we had our reception at cocotal. The only thing we had a problem with was the flute player that they quite often had in Cocotal. She was there on the night of our reception and it was so loud, we had to ask her to stop so that our wedding party could do their speeches. Although she was really good, I did find it quite annoying in the end.


Fuentes is definately more casual and the chefs often spoke over the speakers explaining what they were cooking which could be quite annoying during a reception. The setting of cocotal is more romantic and perfect for a reception.


Hope that helps.

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I agree on the flute player! She was out of control loud, and often not even on tempo with the background music. It took us a good 5 minutes to realize why they had forgotten to turn the recorded music off - she was supposed to be playing WITH it!


And yes, the chef does speak at Fuentes, which I could have done without. But still it only lasted a few minutes, as opposed to the entire evening with the dreaded flute player.

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  • 1 month later...

I have decided to go with El Cocotal


I just love how classy it looks

and that Ill need minimal decorations for it since its so pretty with the water wall etc.




In terms of El Cocotal


For dessert ... can anyone weigh in?

•Profiterols “Doraro†with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and pepper foam

(what is that?)

Im decising between that, or the apple pie or creme brulee

•Crème brûlée enhanced with jasmine accompanied with grapefruit and almond croquant


•French style apple pie “Tarte Tatin†served warm with cinnamon parfait




We are also undecided for the mains.

You get to choose two.


Any tried and truehuh.gif?



Especialidades del Chef

Chef Specials


•Quiche Lorraine de queso de cabra con espinaca y case de tomate a la salvia

•Goat cheese Quiche Lorraine with garden fresh spinach and tomatoes enhanced with salvia.

•Gazpacho de melón valenciano y camarones confitados al te de limón

•Chilled cantaloupe soup with shrimp and lemon grass

•Lenguado con verduras salteadas al vino blanco e hinojo

•Sole with glazed vegetables in white wine and fennel

•Prime rib de cerdo horneado con papas al romero, yogurt y salsa de hierbas de Provenza

•Slow roasted pork prime rib with sliced “Romero†style potatoes, yogurt and provençale sauce

•Tagliatelle con salsa de queso de cabra , fresas y aceitunas negras

•Homemade tagliatelle with goat cheese sauce, strawberries and black olives.



Aves y Carnes

Meat & Poultry



•Pechuga de pollo caramelizada a la naranja y tomillo en salsa de champiñones y menta acompañado con plátanos rostizados

•Caramelized chicken breast with orange and thyme, mushroom and mint demi glace served with roasted bananas.

•Filete marinado de res a las finas hierbas con risotto de hongos y espárragos.

•Beef tenderloin aromatized with fresh herbs, mushroom risotto and green asparagus

•Pierna de pato con glasé de mango y verduras al estragón

•Glazed duck leg with mangos and steamed vegetables in estragon butter.



Fuera del agua

Out of the water


•Salmón con verduras a la mantequilla noisette con salsa holandesa al perfume de cilantro

•Salmon with braised vegetables glazed with brown butter and hollandaise sauce and seasoned with cilantro

•Atún a la parrilla con puré de camote en vainilla y verduras a la toscana

•Grilled tuna with sweet potato puree seasoned with vanilla and vegetables Tuscany style.

•“Cassolette†mar y tierra: mejillones, almejas, camarones, salsa “Lyonaise†y panceta

•Surf and Turf “Cassolette†with mussels, clams, shrimps, “Lyonaise†sausage and pancetta



Los Favoritos

All time Favorites


•Laminas de salmón ahumado a la provenzal y perfume de trufa

•Smoked salmon layers perfumed with Provençal herbs and truffle oil

•Ravioles de espinaca con reducción de cítricos y aceite de albahaca

•Spinach raviolis in citric reduction and basil oil.

•Capellini salteado con aceite de trufa, chícharos, aceitunas negras, queso parmesano, y mermelada de tomate.

•Capellini sautéed in truffle oil peas, black olives with parmesan shaves and tomato compote

•Braseado de res con salsa bordelesa y ratatouille de verduras con aroma de hierbas frescas.

•Braised beef with Bordelaise sauce accompanied with fresh vegetables and fresh herbs

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Originally Posted by BandE2008 View Post
I have decided to go with El Cocotal
For dessert ... can anyone weigh in?
•Crème brûlée enhanced with jasmine accompanied with grapefruit and almond croquant

Especialidades del Chef
Chef Specials
•Prime rib de cerdo horneado con papas al romero, yogurt y salsa de hierbas de Provenza
•Slow roasted pork prime rib with sliced “Romero†style potatoes, yogurt and provençale sauce

Los Favoritos
All time Favorites
•Spinach raviolis in citric reduction and basil oil.
Our Creme brulee was by far the absolute worst food we had at EDR, hands down, no contest. It was greenish colored and not sweet at all. There was definitely something wrong with it. I don't know if it was a fluke or what, but it was absolutely disgusting.

Also, the prime rib was almost too tough for the steak knife. Not worth the effort.

The Spinach raviolis weren't bad, but DH didn't care for the sauce much.

Sorry, we just had an awful experience at El Cocotal, and above all, we don't want anyone to end up with the horrific creme brulee we had!
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