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How did/will you prevent the groom from seeing you before ceremony?

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I stayed with my grandmother the night before (we got married right by her house) and he stayed in the hotel.

I was so busy that day with misc stuff, hair, makeup, etc that we would have never had the chance to cross paths (even though we were in the same hotel) but our bridal party coordinated all of that to make sure just in case. Have your Best Man and MOH get in touch and figure out what times each of you will be out and around so you don't see each other.

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I bet they won't have you walk even close to the ceremony area until it's time. They do weddings all the time, so I'm sure they go through this a ton with brides. Most don't want to be seen. I'd ask your WC.


As for us, my groom came to LC with us the day of the wedding. We kicked him out of the bridal casita when it got time to get ready and the boys got ready in their spa. It worked and we were in REALLY tight quarters too.

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We stayed in separate rooms the night before and our ceremony was at 10 a.m. I had room service for breakfast, went to the spa for hair and makeup, got dressed in the room and then was brought to the ceremony site via golf cart. I stood off a distance away and then our WC gave me a signal when to start down the aisle. Jay went to breakfast by himself, hung out, and got dressed before heading down. I really wouldn't worry about seeing your FI before hand. The WC deals with this kind of stuff all the time.

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I got up early and got breakfast, a massage, manicure and pedicure and then hung out in my room with my girls waiting to get my hair done. BUT at one point I really wanted to drink, so my friend and I decided to walk down to one of the bars. As we're walking, she says to me "you didn't want to see Mike today, did you?" and I'm like "no", so she put her hands over my eyes and turned me around to go back to my room. Apparently (even though I told him to stay on the other side of the resort) he was eating lunch at the place next to the bar I was going to...lol! So it was a near miss, but we didn't actually see each other.

As I was waiting to walk down the aisle, my MOH shielded me with her parasol so he couldn't really see me.

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Originally Posted by mrsmark08 View Post
i am actually staying in my parents room the night before the ceremony. the day of, hair & make up people will be coming at 1, so i plan to sleep in then maybe get an in room massage until then. i won't really have a whole lot of time to kill. we are thinking of bringing walkie-talkies as well for MOH and best man each have one since MOH will be with me and best man will be with FI. then we can keep track of each other & avoid any run ins!
Love love love the walkie talkie idea.
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If you do separate rooms the night before make sure he has everything he needs for the big day. I forgot to bring my shaving stuff with me and did not want to risk seeing Karen that morning. As a result I was slightly unshaven for the ceremony.

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I don't want my FI to see me either. I don't like the idea of him seeing me from the night before until our wedding ceremony starts.


If it means that I camp out in the room for the morning then so be it. I'll order room service then head to the spa for some special treatment ... I can guarentee that my FI will be no where near the spa!

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My daughter spent the night before the wedding with some of her bridesmaids and they had a sleepover. The morning of the wedding the best man came downstairs first to clear the way then they brought the groom down for breakfast so I knew he was in the restaurant where they kept him with his back to the windows. My daughter then came down and went straight into the spa. She was there from 10am until 1:30pm - as per the suggestion of someone else on this forum she had a massage, mani, pedi, and her hair done. We took her some food into the spa and once she was done she came straight up to my room where we had left everything she needed to get ready.


I was surprised but the groom and his family were adamant that he not see the bride after midnight the night before until she walked down the aisle, and between us all we did it :)

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I don't want to see my FI before the wedding either. I have told him that I will be staying in our room the night before and he has to stay with someone else. I am not worried about seeing him during the day, as there will be enough things to keep us busy during the day. My only concern was for meals, but there are enough resturants there that we will arrange which restaurant he can eat at and which one I will eat at that day. There, problem solved myself! LOL

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