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Cold sores

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Ugh, I've had a honker of a cold sore in the corner of my mouth for almost 2 weeks now! I *HATE* getting these. You have to be soooo careful what you touch and I can't kiss FI sad.gif


I tried to ice it as soon as I could tell it was coming on but apparently I didn't catch it in time. It started to heal but I think all the sun in Mexico and now the dry heat here in TX just made it worse. I've been using Herpacin chapstick, then switched to Abreva. Also I'm putting Neosporin on it now cause I think it was starting to get infected! (Eww, sorry if TMI) When I wake up in the morning it seems sooo much better but as I go about my day it manages to crack back open sad.gif


Any good tips?? I read about putting a mud mask on it to help it dry up...anyone tried this? I just want it gone cause I am so afraid of spreading it... ugh. And it hurts sad.gif

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That is so crappy!!!

FI just came in about an hour ago and said he's getting one too. Boo!smile41.gif


I was on a drug once that dries up your face badly and the ONLY thing that worked for me (and I mean the corners of my mouth were splitting - it was so painful) was Polysporin. So I'd recommend that constantly. It looks crappy though - walking around with a big gob of glistening stuff on your mouth, but if it works, it works.


Good luck!

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What is Polysporin? Is that like Neosporin? I have been putting Neosporin on as much as possible - at this point I could care less about the blob of gooey stuff, I just want it gone! However, I do have to work a big event at our art gallery tomorrow night. I'm in sales so having a giant cold sore isn't the greatest... argh.

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I used to always get cold sores when I got too much sun, drank/ate acidy foods, got sick or ultra stressed. You can go to the DR and get Valtrex but I have been taking L-Lysine - they have regular strength and super or something like that and knock on wood barely ever get them anymore!!! My boss has the same issue got him to take the L-Lysine and he hasnt gotten one since.

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
What is Polysporin? Is that like Neosporin? I have been putting Neosporin on as much as possible - at this point I could care less about the blob of gooey stuff, I just want it gone! However, I do have to work a big event at our art gallery tomorrow night. I'm in sales so having a giant cold sore isn't the greatest... argh.

Yep, it's the brand that is sold in Canada. Same thing :)
I hope it clears up quickly for you!
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Go get an Rx for Valtrex, the herpes medication. Cold sores are a herpes virus, and if you take Valtrex as soon as you feel one coming on, it significantly reduces the length of time it lasts. You also can take one a day prophylactically if you have a big event coming up and want to be sure you don't get one...

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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
Go get an Rx for Valtrex, the herpes medication. Cold sores are a herpes virus, and if you take Valtrex as soon as you feel one coming on, it significantly reduces the length of time it lasts. You also can take one a day prophylactically if you have a big event coming up and want to be sure you don't get one...
thing is it's been around for almost 2 weeks. Do you think an antiviral would help at this point?? I did read that upping your Vit. B intake is good so I've been doing that as well as taking a Vit. C supplement. Also I have Colloidal Silver in the fridge and it's supposed to be a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. I just read that dipping a cotton ball in it and placing it on the area for 5-20 mins (as long as possible) 2-3x a day helps so I just did that as well.
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Valtrex always works for my hubby. we usually try to get him on it as soon as he feels one coming on and it doesn't get as bad. if you get an rx or sample from your doctor i'm sure you will see a difference within a days time.

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