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Do you stalk your registries?

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my first answer was no, i don't stalk them. but now that i keep seeing this thread I keep looking at them!


So far, not too much taken from the registry, but we don't have any showers or anything, so what is gone, must be from really proactive people!

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Yes, I stalk my registry...mostly because I have nothing better to do and it's fun to wonder who got you what :)


I know I'm having a shower, but it's a "surprise" which means, I think I've basically figured out when/where it's going to be :)


With that being said...we got our first gift today!!! Now, am I supposed to wait until my shower to open it? I don't think so, but you never know...


FI - what is that?

me - our first gift, I think it's our iron

FI - how can it be the iron, didn't you just put that on last week?

me- yep, and it's already been fulfilled, what else would be in this size box?


And then we proceeded to take turns taking the paper off, it was fun :) And yes, it was the iron :)


I can't tell my mom or sister, because they will be upset that I now "know" the invitations have gone out (I'm supposed to think they are going out in a week or 2).

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I say registries were meant to be stalked!! Afterall who really has the will power to resist? Not me :) Our wedding is not until next april but when I checked the other day someone already bought a bunch of things!! I love it. My excuse is it allows for better planning so we have an idea of what we need!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
If you get gifts from your registry in the mail before your shower, are you not supposed to open them?

My sister threw a fit yesterday when i told her I got my crystal vase and george forman grill LOL
I've opened all of ours. Most of the gifts we got sent to the house are from people that aren't able to come to the shower, but some people have sent the gifts to my cousin to bring to the shower. However, my FSIL sent her gifts to the house because she is lazy and didn't want to bring them to the shower or wrap them. She went crazy and got a bunch of stuff including the Kitchenaid mixer I really wanted. I already sent her a thank you, but I think we will announce what she got at the shower as well since she will be there.
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Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
I've opened all of ours. Most of the gifts we got sent to the house are from people that aren't able to come to the shower, but some people have sent the gifts to my cousin to bring to the shower. However, my FSIL sent her gifts to the house because she is lazy and didn't want to bring them to the shower or wrap them. She went crazy and got a bunch of stuff including the Kitchenaid mixer I really wanted. I already sent her a thank you, but I think we will announce what she got at the shower as well since she will be there.
My best friend did this too...she sent us our george forman grill :) I think she did it because a) she really won't be able to make the shower this weekend B) she wants to surprise me and make me think she won't be at the shower or c) she's flying in for the shower and it'd be a b*tch to fly with LOL (she lives in upstate NY, I'm in NYC.

oh, and I'm not supposed to know my shower is this weekend LOL
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I think i'm going to start to stalk my registry. It's killing me not knowing when my shower is. No one will tell me and i want to look pretty for it! There's so many weekends when me and fi are running around and i'm just in a tshirt and capris, we just stop to get something to eat. I want to wear a really cute dress to my shower, not a tshirt like i always wear. KWIM?


I told fi if he knows when it is, he better make sure im dressed cute for it. Oh and i haven't even gotten any hints to when it is!

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I ONLY know when it is because my cousin in FL sent me my aunt and uncle's travel in and asked me to fwd it to my mom LOL She also mentioned that she's sorry she wont be able to make it.


Honestly before that I had NO idea. They worked hard to make me believe it was a weekend in Sept and if it wasn't for that email I'd still be thinking that!


(except that since they know I know they're trying to amake me believe it's sunday not saturday lol)

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