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Marriage before children?

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Originally Posted by cja1976 View Post
I agree. I have never been so scared about being pergant before the wedding. I will be getting off the pill this February and I'm so scared that I may hit a bump in the road. I know that I have had so many friends that couldn't get pergant so I must thing of it as Gods will and be grateful of this miracle.
hug2.gifWell just remember the probability is that you will concive stork-baby.gif within a year hug2.gif

I'm spending the year before we get married preparing my body to be a fit as I possibly can, I've given up smoking (3 months ago!), limiting alcohol (with exception to the bottle of wine at weekend but it was birthday) & increasing my fitness (cardo & muscle tone)
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I feel like most of you. We've been together 4.5 years now (living together for 3 years), and we're ready to be parents. We've decided to start trying on our wedding night!smile02.gif Yes I know I wonâ€t get pregnant on the first try, but I wish it did! I've been off the pill for the last two months, one more month to go. We're being careful, but I secretly fantasize telling him Iâ€m pregnant during our first dance!

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I feel like most of you. We've been together 4.5 years now (living together for 3 years), and we're ready to be parents. We've decided to start trying on our wedding night!smile02.gif Yes I know I wonâ€t get pregnant on the first try, but I wish I did! I've been off the pill for the last two months, one more month to go. We're being careful, but I secretly fantasize telling him Iâ€m pregnant during our first dance!

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I met my husband 8 years ago. He had 2 kids (he had been married) he had total custody of and I one (unmarried). We dated for 2 years then moved in together. I will be honest it was rough. It is sooo hard dating someone with kids. I went into the relationship knowing he did not want to marry again and and did not want kids. I was totally ok with that! Well in 2005 my dad had a stroke and we went home to be with him. I forgot my new birth controll Rx at home and so we decided we would just use condoms. We did...alll but one time so I can pinpoint the exact time we got pregnant. I was scared to death!!! I mean we knew what caused but it was still a huge shock that it actually happened. I honestly questioned weather or not we would be able to survive it as a couple. As it turns out it was the best thing that ever happen to us. Our dauther was born in March 2006 and in May of 2007 he asked me to marry him! I finally felt right. It wasn't cause of our daugher either. I just think we realized that we would be able to work through anything. I swore I would not marry because of a pregnancy. I said that 10 year earlier with my son and said it again. I would have always doubted his motives. I know we married for the right reason. For us! I am honestly happier than I have ever been. I stay home with the baby and referee the 10, 11 and 14 year old...:-) I consider them all my kids!! SO babies before marriage?? For me yes! There is a small part of me that wishes we would have had time to be just the two of us but I guess we will get to date in another 16 more years!

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  • 6 months later...



I guess my FH and I are truly 'old fashioned'!


Our Christian faith is very important to us and the basis of our relationship. We have dated since '03 and agreed from the beginning to save it all for our wedding night, so for sure there won't be any children before our marriage!


For us, we want to experience all that married life has to offer. My FH does not have children and neither do I...so when we become parents it will be very special..oh, and at least a year after the wedding!

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  • 4 weeks later...

about 6 months before we got married we discussed when we would try. we actively started trying in June, a month before our wedding... actually almost 2 months. Our first try, we conceived and I was pregnant before we got married. (10wks) its not a big deal but the first half of my pregnancy i was kinda jealous of the baby because i would only have hubby to myself for 9 months! lol Sick and selfish huh?? DH is so excited because hes 41 and is stoked that his boys can swim... lol and hes even more excited that its a boy. He even goes into the baby's room to touch his clothes and admire them. I got over the jealousy, Im just happy that I can actually make DH this happy just by housing and pushing out a baby... its so strange to me.

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