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Marriage before children?

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I know this sounds old fasioned, but when my partner and me decided we wanted to have children, marriage suddenly became more important to us. We are waiting until after our marriage until I come completly off the contraception.


Has this happened to anyone else?

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We've been engaged for 17 months now. I will say, that with our wedding hanging in the gallows (early July) that ever since, and especially since January of this year, I have been absolutely MANIC about taking my pills on time and freaking out on any any any little possibility of becoming pregnant! LOL. I have taken 2tests this year, even when I knew I probably wasn't, just out of fear of being! LOL.

We said taht if we became pregnant before the big day, then no big deal, that is what God would will, but we have definitely taken ever measure to prevent it! LOL

So I hear ya!

(Plus my dress is TIGHT across my bust/waist & I paid a lot for it and want to fit in it!)

Sorry for the novel, ladies!

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I feel like that too. I got to come off my rod soon to give my body rest. If there was an accident then I wouldn't mind but I just want to get married when there is just me and my partner


I've still got 15 month till my wedding so it's going to be a long wait!

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You're definately not alone! We're going to wait til we're married to even discuss having children. This is partially because of our ages (I'm currently 24) & partially because we're kinda old-fashioned that way! wink.gif Like Nikki said though, if something were to happen sooner, then it was obviously meant to be :)

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I personally wanted to wait to have children. I'm almost 27 and FI is 30. I do have a history of a questionable reproductive system and even though we have been together for over 6 years, it was really important for me to wait until I was married. FI jokes that this is the only reason we are getting married!


I guess we're at the point now where if I got pregnant before the wedding (in 3 weeks) it wouldn't be a big deal. However, I'd be pretty pissed off! I've had some scares in teh past and to go to an AI with an open bar and not be able to enjoy would not be fun! LOL

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Back when were dating, I told my DH that we were getting old and I wanted to wait for children. We had been together for 3 yrs at that point and he didn't get what I had meant. I pointed out that at the time I was 26 and not engaged. I wanted at least a year to plan a wedding and I would prefer if we waited at least a year after we got married before we started to try. I then pointed out that it takes 9 months for a baby and that would make us much older- specifically him 34 at that point.


Needless to say, we got engaged shortly after because I think he realized we couldn't just keep dating forever. LOL We kept talking about marriage, but never got the ring. So this was definitely a motivating factor so start taking that next step.

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I am getting married in July and will be 6 months pregnant then. We NEVER thought I could have babies, so it is TRULY a MIRACLE that we got pregnant.


I had to cancel my beautiful Sottero dress and get an entirely differnet dress that is not what I had in mind to wear on MY day.


HOWEVER, I would not change a thing. I don't care about dress, nor do I care about not being able to drink, not do I care that I am going to be rather large in my pictures (okay maybe I do just a litttle, lol). I am so thankful and blessed to be pregnant that I would gladly change the dress and drinks!


We have been engaged over a year and have been together for 4 years. We quit using protection about a year into our relationship, because we just never thought getting pregnant was an option for us.


I guess if someone is pretty sure they could get pregnant they have no problems waiting until after they are married. For us, we took it when we got it! smile123.gif

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