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I need a drink....And its only Wednesday!!!

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Originally Posted by cmmdee View Post
My mother's friend told me when I started planning my wedding, The people you think who MOST will go to your wedding, never do and the ones you don't think will, do. And it's so true! We have 45 people booked so far and a lot of them I didn't think would come at all! :)
Boy is that so true. I so thought my family was going to give me hell about having a DW. They were a little hesitant at first, mostly bc half of them have never been overseas or its been a very long time since they have or $$$ issues. But my family was the 1st to put down their deposits and cant stop talking about it!
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Yes a drink would be great right about now...but first I think you need to give gratitude that FI came out of an accident intact. As far as the MOH, let it go...getting angry and upsetting yourself won't benefit anyone, especially not you...In moments of chaos and uncertainty the best thing is to be still and contemplate and take deep breathes and ask God for the divine plan... it will work itself out...everything always does!



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So sorry you are going through this! I am sure it feels like one thing after another is happening to you your your FI. Try to keep in mind that as long as you and your FI are they the rest is just sprinkles on the sundae. I know that is hard to swallow but people have to live with the decisions they make (his family not making reservations yet and your MOH not going cuz her hubby is an ass). Take care of yourself and do what makes you smile! It will all work out in the end!

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Gosh, another one! So sorry to hear about your MOH, though I'd have to agree with Alyssa... No man (or anyone else for that matter) would determine the outcome of such a situation! I get that she is "choosing her path" (as she so aptly put it it) but that's one path thats obviously going to have big bumps down the line. If I didn't think she should stand up for herself, I think I might actually feel a little sorry for her.


Yikes! Imagine being married to someone like that!


Go on, have that drink! lol

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Not sure if this will help or not.


Family on both sides are dropping out left, right and centre, and we don't even have a resort picked yet. My MOH, also my only sibling, has now become a single mum and probably won't be able to go and probably won't tell me until the last minute too.


My FI keeps reminding me that it's only us that matter for OUR wedding, even if no one else shows up, it's going to be a special day for the two of us. And that it's going to be the two of us in this marriage, not family or friends or anything else (ok, maybe the dog too).


So when I'm having the meltdown moments when I think that my friends are flakes for dropping out and that my family doesn't care enough to show up for my one and only wedding, I remind myself that it's just the two of us that really matter in the end.


Big hug for you. If you lived here, I'd take you out for a pint at lunchtime!

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I am so sorry you are going through this. Please vent away!!!


I am happy to hear your FI is well. That can be so scary.


Now for your MOH, I personally think it is a cop out to send you an email. She states in her email that she doesn't have the courage to talk to you in person, hence the email. WTF you are best friends, what are you going to do to her on the phone?


Of course you are not going to hate her, but you should let her know how hurt you are. How it doesn't make any sense and you were depending on her.

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I'm really sorry you are going though this. At least both of you are level headded enough to know that this behavior isn't right, but not worth throwing your entire friendship away over.


I'm also glad that FI is ok. Cars are replacable, good guys, not so much...


We're here whenever you need to vent. Most of us have been in at least one of your current situations.


The most important thing to remember is that this about you and your FI. This really is your day (week) and you need to focus on what makes the two of you happy!


Big Hugs!

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You have a ton of good advice thus far so I'd just be repeating everyone. :) I just wanted to say I'm sorry- hang in there. It will all be over soon and you will have the best wedding and no more stresses! Push that friend to be independent and go on her own. If her DH doesn't want to go, why can't she? That's a lame excuse and if she really wanted to be better, she should stand up and be a friend. Ok- So I ranted a little...oops.

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for what it's worth: your MOH's husband sounds like a real ass...your MOH sounds like she is genuinely sorry she can't attend your wedding --- she sounds like she's been struggling over this for a long time in hopes of getting her husband to give in and "allow" her to go or agree for them to both go --- I say stick by your MOH as it sounds like she could need your support down the road.

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