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Natalie Z

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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
Well ladies- about an hour after my last posting on Wednesday, I got a call from the doggy daycare. Apparently Crosby climbed onto a 3' or so cat tower and jumped off. They took him straight to the vet next door, did xrays, then we took him back Thurs to see an orthopedic Dr.- he fractured his little paw. So thank GOD he doesn't need surgery or anything- these injuries are common in such a little one. He needs to be in this splint for about 6 weeks. The past couple of days have just been horrible- he just looks at me like, 'Mom, what's happening?'

He's being a total trooper though- he's getting along just fine on 3 legs, although sleeping has been very frustrating for him because he has to wear his cone. I think I have cried more about it than he has. In this pic he's a little out of it from the anesthesia. My poor little guy

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I know how you feel. In Dec my little girl broke her radius and ulna. Went to 3 different vets, spent a ton of money but luckily in the end she is back to almost as good as new, has a bend in her paw b/c of it. One of the vets told us there was nothing we can do and we just have to limit her from going side to side for the rest of her life, i was like WTF she i only 10 months old. Luckily in the end she just had to be in a soft cast for a couple of weeks.
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Originally Posted by dolfinluck View Post
I know how you feel. In Dec my little girl broke her radius and ulna. Went to 3 different vets, spent a ton of money but luckily in the end she is back to almost as good as new, has a bend in her paw b/c of it. One of the vets told us there was nothing we can do and we just have to limit her from going side to side for the rest of her life, i was like WTF she i only 10 months old. Luckily in the end she just had to be in a soft cast for a couple of weeks.
Oh no!!! Well, I am SO glad that she is ok!! It is just the worst seeing your puppy in those casts isn't it? Look at her too-- she is so precious!
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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
Oh no!!! Well, I am SO glad that she is ok!! It is just the worst seeing your puppy in those casts isn't it? Look at her too-- she is so precious!
I know, I felt so bad when she had her peg leg, especially when we had our first snow fall all she wanted to do was stay out side all day long. We ended up making a boot from plastic so her cast wouldnt get wet. . I kept wishing I was the one with the broke arm instead of her.
Hopefully your pup gets better soon!
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Ladies with puppies, be careful where you take your puppy...Bo is 5 months old and had all of his shots and is on a monthly parasite/flea/heartworm plan. He has a case of coccida. We noticed that he was having watery diarrhea over the weekend and we thought it was his food because we are transitioning his food to EVO which is very rich in protein. We had doubled his food Friday per vet recommendation. We took him to the vet friday because of a skin issue so we assumed it was the food until we noticed blood in his stool sunday night. He continued to have blood in his stool so we took him to the vet yesterday and found out that he has coccida. It is a common parasite for all dogs...an adult dog is not affected as much as a puppy because the puppy doesn't have a well developed immune system yet. Bo either got it from the daycare or the dog park so he is on meds for 10 days. It sucks because he already missed daycare yesterday and probably would have to miss two more Tuesdays until he is all clear from the parasite. We are not going to take him to the dog park until he is all better and more healthier. Booooo.

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I haven't had to clean up that...Bo WILL not go in his crate...he will hold it as long he can! He even held it all night over the weekend...once, he's out of the crate, he goes to the door! The question is how do you efficiently clean up watery diarrhea in the backyard? it is gross.


I'm excited for Killlick!

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