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Post Pics of your pets!

Natalie Z

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I heart this thread!! Here is my baby- Crosby. I got him two months ago, he is 6 months old now.


This is him as a baby- I'll post a few more current but they're on another laptop:

Click the image to open in full size.


I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love and adore this little papillon!!

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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
I heart this thread!! Here is my baby- Crosby. I got him two months ago, he is 6 months old now.

This is him as a baby- I'll post a few more current but they're on another laptop:
Click the image to open in full size.

I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love and adore this little papillon!!
I love papillons! He is soooo cute!
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I LOVE when this thread gets bumped! I heart all of the puppies!


Amanda - my chocolates do the same exact pose. They also do the full stretch out on the couch, LOL. Luckily we have never had to board them because it would be costly. I don't know how much we spend on them per month. It's a lot because they are our spoiled little children. I know I have spent at least $500 on "indestructable" toys for Izzy, my baby girl, because she eats everything.


The other night DH accidently clipped her nail too short and it bled a little. He went to the pet store the next day and came home with new toys and chewies for both of them because he felt bad! LOL

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OMG Erin - Izzy sounds just like Killick! The only thing that we've been able to get that lasts at all as far as toys go is antlers - Jess's Moose sent it to Killick for Christmas this year & he LOVES it!! (Yes, we did a doggie gift exchange LOL) She gets the antler from a market in Chicago - you could have a look at your local markets for them I would think. Anyway - it's a godsend! It's the only toy we've been able to just leave out for him to play with all the time, well, except for his extreme kong that he keeps outside (although, there are chunks gone out of that "indestructible" toy!)


Eeek - I hate the cutting of the toenails! It always freaks me out!! Dh takes care of that chore, so far no problems though!


And I love how they always have to sleep with their heads on pillows! We bought Killick a bed to sleep on, but he just uses it as a pillow most of the time. Doggies are so funny!

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