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I posted my review - ROR / Couples

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Good question Becky:


For ROR, if I had enough time, I would have made copies of all of my music. The airport shuttle service that I arranged came 50 minutes early.....just as I started burning all of my music, the guy called and said that he was outside waiting so sadly, I had to take all of my original cd's and as you know, they turned up "missing".


Also, as others previously said, I would have definitely provided the DJ with a playlist and if you don't think that he will have the song that you want, bring it on a separate cd.


In addition, any left-over cake, have them wrap it up and take it with you before you leave!!! I paid good money for my cake and almost none of my guests got to even taste the rum layer.


Other than that, I would do everything exactly the same. The planning process was tedious, but it was well worth it. Just remember to bring copies of everything and it helps if you have pictures of the way you would like your setup to be and provide that to Chandlyn.


Lastly, if you were promised an upgrade, persue! The front desk will automatically tell you that they don't have any available, but if you have to, show up everyday, mention it to Chandlyn and continue to stay on top of it.


I think that's all that comes to mind right now.......if I can think of anything else, I'll let you know.


Good luck to all of the future brides!

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Originally Posted by bobbi-francis View Post
Congrats girl!! You looked amazing!! but hold up..wait a minute! Am i missing something? because i dont see any pics of your wedding cake.....lol
It's in the slide show:

A Show of Slides!: Marsha and Brian - Punam Bean Blog. - Punam Bean Photography

She only had 2 pics in it, but they are in there towards the end during the reception. When I get my full copies of all the pics, I will post tons of them.
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