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Worried about our puppy...

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Jaime as far as him going in his crate, Tess still has accidents and she is almost three. She also gets UTI's regularly, I have heard it happens when you get them fixed early.

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Accidents I understand but this is ridiculous - I mean he goes #1 & 2 allll over the place in his box at just about every other day. We are about to pull our hair out! This little dog has not been white in quite awhile - the stains won't come out. Aye yi yi... I mean, I can deal with it as long as I know he is healthy - if he is healthy then i know this will pass.

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Originally Posted by nolaroy724 View Post
How much exercise does he get? My first inclination was diabetes, but it does sound a little like nervous behavior, which a lot of exercise can help resolve.

I think I have watched too many episodes of the Dog Whisperer!
He usually gets two walks a day (about 5-10 mins each) and of course play time in the house with Ollie - those two really go at it!
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hmm well I know I was told that as long as they can stand up and turn around that is all the room they need in their crate.

As for the pooping and peeing, I thought I was going to go nuts with Tess, she took so long to potty train, I would say last summer was our big turning point, when she turned two years old. I really thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown with her, she was always going in the house, in her crate, everywhere but outside. Once we got her UTI's under control, things did get better.

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Originally Posted by Christine View Post
hmm well I know I was told that as long as they can stand up and turn around that is all the room they need in their crate.
As for the pooping and peeing, I thought I was going to go nuts with Tess, she took so long to potty train, I would say last summer was our big turning point, when she turned two years old. I really thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown with her, she was always going in the house, in her crate, everywhere but outside. Once we got her UTI's under control, things did get better.
Glad to know I'm not the only one going crazy with this! Ollie was hard to train as a puppy but he NEVER went in his box. It is soooo gross to clean up... sick.gif Honestly I think I'd rather him go in the house cause then it's not all over him and his crate.

Oh and this is random but we've just started calling their boxes/crates/kennels "condos". It's so funny because we have them trained to run into them when we get out a treat so now we say "go to your condos!" and they run "home". rofl.gif Ok, maybe we really are starting to lose it smile105.gif
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post

Oh and this is random but we've just started calling their boxes/crates/kennels "condos". It's so funny because we have them trained to run into them when we get out a treat so now we say "go to your condos!" and they run "home". rofl.gif Ok, maybe we really are starting to lose it smile105.gif
OMG, that is so cute. We just tell our doggy to go to her box. :-(

I hope the vet says everything is ok with your puppy!!
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