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OK ladies.. these are my STD magnets. I'm ordering them from VISTA print.. so I'm getting a good deal on them.


What do you think? Are these good to be sent off to the press? Are there any recomendations or ideas. I've dedicated tonite to working with photoshop. hehehehe

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That design is awesome. Good job with the colors, theme, fonts and all that.


What size are the magnets? The only thing I can see as a problem is being able to read everything depending on the size of the magnets. The image on my monitor is 4.5x3.5 approx. when I put a ruler on my screen. That size works just fine. If you were going much smaller than that the text on the bottom would probably be too small to read in the font you are using.

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Hmm... it's too late to change the size cuz i sent them off last night. I think they should work though I used the same dimesions in photoshop as the website said. So that may be the actual size of them. I'm excited about those though!

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