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Wedding Gowns - You VS Model

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So beautiful!


Drunken Stupor for WOW Gold.If you need any help or more information about our WOW gold sales during this sales promotion,Buy WOW Gold please contact us instantly!Fortunately for anyone with terrible luck, this achievement is no longer dependent on getting lucky with a mount drop off the holiday boss. If you don't already have a Brewfest mount and can't coax WOW Power Leveling Coren Direbrew into dropping one, just buy some Fresh Brewfest Hops from the token redeemer for the measly sum of 2 tokens, pull out whatever mount you like, and /use the Hops Buy Aion Gold. You can also buy the reusable Preserved Brewfest Hops for 20 tokens, but even the cheap Aion Leveling non-reusable version will get you the achievement.

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Agh, this is the dress that makes me regret the one I bought.  I absolutely love this dress, and yes, you looked fabulous in it!!

Originally Posted by Cindy* View Post

Personally, I like my dress way better on me than on the model, but I will let you all decide for yourselves.


On the model:




On me at my wonderful, amazing, fabulous wedding (can you tell I'm a newlywed, lol):





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