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I know that the garden gazebo is the most private location, but for the ladies who have married on the beach/beach gazebo, did you find the other guests to be a distraction at all, or the jet skis, vendors, ect? I remember reading a review where vows were interrupted by a feuding couple, and that might make me upset! I love the beach pictures i have seen so much, I would not want to compromise the location. Really how private did you find it to be? Thanks!

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My wedding was at 11am, so my experience may be different from later weddings but I didn't have any issues at all. Infact for the most part I didn't really even notice my guests b/c I was so focused on TK. I think people are pretty respectful of your wedding though. The only thing that was a little annoying was after the ceremony we were trying to take pics and this one guy just kept swimming back and forth behind us so we would have to wait for him to get out of the shot.


If you use the gazebo you could just politely ask anyone sitting too close to move over a little. If you use the arch it will just depend on where they set it up. Most of the time I saw it set up to the left of the gazebo, farther away from the beach chairs but one day it was set up to the right and there were a ton of beach chairs right there.


And actually I'm not sure that the garden is that much more private b/c you are surrounded by like 200 balconies.


I wouldn't worry too much about it since its a bit like the weather- out of your control. Just go with the flow and enjoy your day! No worries mon!elefant.gif

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I agree with pps. My ceremony was at 4 also. I didn't notice any people nearby. Though during pictures theres one guy in some of the shots. I have no idea what he is doing. But he's easy to crop out. Otherwise it was pretty secluded. I honestly wouldn't worry about it.

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Our wedding was at 11 on the beach. I didn't notice anyone until we were taking pictures after the ceremony, but they asked them to move.

I didn't notice but my husband said they had people standing on the sides behind us keeping people from walking behind us durring the ceremony.

No worries!!

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I got married at 4:00 and there were tons of people around watching, but it didn't really bother me. All of these random people were taking pics of me, which I thought was pretty funny because why would they want pictures of someone they don't know, but whatever. I didn't notice them at all during the ceremony b/c I was so focused on what I was doing, but afterwards I saw them. Also a couple of my guests took pics of all of these Jamaican vendors (the guys who sell pot to you when you're in the water) sitting on rocks watching the ceremony smoking cigarettes which is funny. Afterwards Michael the photographer kept yelling at people who were walking behind us b/c they were in the shots.

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The day of my wedding, i didn't notice anyone other than us at the beach! When I saw other people getting married, there were other people hanging around watching, nothing obtrusive though. I would say that you'd get more observers though at the pond gazebo with all of the over-looking balconies. Choose what you like and don't worry about anyone else.

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