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Originally Posted by Hummingbird View Post
If you have a good editing program on your computer, this is possible to do. (Matching voice to video.) It can get tricky, though, if you have footage from more than one camera that you want to edit together. Synchronizing sound and video gets really tricky unless you just start it at the very beginning with continuous footage from one camera, and one continuous voice recording. Does that make sense? I only mention this b/c I have watched my husband work on editing video footage for hours, matching up sound to the actual footage. It can be a huge pain - but it is possible, and a lot easier, if you have an editing program.

oh we wouldn't try to match it up, just maybe put in clips here and there, but most likely just music added into the video...I was more thinking the voice recorder for the photo slide show? Thanks for the input though.
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There were very few things that I had to stand my ground about with my FI. Videography was one of them! And I won!!! Besides the fact that some key family members will be able to watch it when we return home, I WILL watch my video. Heck, I have actually watched the wedding of the demo disc couple several times (total wedding dork moment).


Someone mentioned (sorry I forgot) that people often regret not having the video vs. regretting purchasing one and I totally agree. This is a moment that can never be recreated.


I would opt to have the reception included but if it's not in the budget then ceremony is also fine. Pictures tell one story while a video can tell another. The picture can show the laughter but the video will allow you to relive the joke or special toast from your Dad or BFF. If a professional is not available then of course a family member would be the next best option, maybe on a tripod.

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Originally Posted by JPMO View Post
There were very few things that I had to stand my ground about with my FI. Videography was one of them! And I won!!! Besides the fact that some key family members will be able to watch it when we return home, I WILL watch my video. Heck, I have actually watched the wedding of the demo disc couple several times (total wedding dork moment).

Who are you using Jenetta?
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  • 1 year later...

One thing to keep in mind is the positioning of the videographer. It is very common, especially for the resort videographers, for the cameraman to stand right in the front, just a short distance from bride and groom. If there are two videographers there may be another standing in the aisle. That means that means there can be literally no time during the ceremony when the wedding guest ever have the view of the wedding that most of us imagine... bride groom and officiant surrounded by beautiful scenery. In a case like that the quality of actual moment is being sacrificed for the video. And of course once the ceremony starts there is nothing to be done. doh.gif


Also it has been my experience that brides and grooms do not quite let go and "open up" in the same way for me as a photographer during the portrait session if it is being filmed. Which I guess is quite natural but another factor to weigh when deciding what parts of the day to have filmed.


I hope that doesn't seem negative...but just something I see over and over that I don't think is usually thought about much ahead of time.

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I was anti-video before my wedding date. I opted not to get the video and then a week before the wedding the videographer contacted me and asked why I wasn't buying the video (lowest option was $800). I said I felt it was too high and we'd just have friends video it. They dropped the price for basic raw footage and one video camera and I went for it. He was out of the way behind the pastor in a corner and I forgot he was there. I am actually excited to see it now because as the bride you miss everything that happens before you come in and after I cam in it was all a blur as everyone mentioned. I know some family who missed it will like to see it (of course probably easier to justify buying an expensive video for others to view who did not attend when they have supported the wedding financially or via monetary gift which is not the case for us). I just paid for ceremony coverage...no behind the scenes getting ready as I felt I would be too stressed out and rushing and I was and no reception coverage. I did have them just cover after it was over the walk through the village by the water of guests as they went to the yacht... I did want to capture the scenery. I also did have a friend who ran around videoing everything (even when it was annoying me as I was getting ready I am sure I will appreciate it later) so I can get her footage and his and our own footage from the after-party the next day at the club and our honeymoon and get someone to edit it all together one day. I do think having friends video may not have captured the sound as well. When you hire the videographer they set up mikes to capture sound. If tight on funds I would suggest just getting raw footage like we did and not a fully edited video....you can always do it later when you recover from the wedding costs. I'm running to the mailbox looking for mine daily!

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