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Hi b2b2011,


Thanks for the information.  Its so weird because, Claudia (our WC) told us our IPhones would definently not work.  I live in Canada and went to Best Buy and the staff said that its the same connection for all Apple products.  I just want to make sure because I do not want to pay for the DJ and I want to make sure the Ipod will work.


Thanks again!!



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Jess I read a bride's review that said she used her iPhone but it caused some interference because she should have had it on airplane mode (something with the signal affecting the sound equipment). You should be ok if you put it in airplane mode though.


Just a thought but we are putting our playlists for the wedding on three different iPods and giving one to my mom to keep in her room and keeping the other two. That way if anything is lost or stolen, or dies unexpectedly we have back up. (between the two of us we somehow ended up with 4 iPods, two iPhones and an iPad.)


On another note.... ONLY 26 DAYS TIL THE WEDDING!!!!! pinkie.gif

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We used an Ipod Nano, but I'm sure an Ipod Touch would work too.  We had the playlists loaded onto 2 different Ipods for the same reasons that Meggers mentioned above.  I should also mention that for the ceremony music that we used the Ipod for, we labelled the songs in different playlists so it would be easier for the person to play them at the right time.  There is a staff member that takes care of the music for you during the ceremony.  So the song I walked down the isle to, we labelled "bride walking down the isle".  The song that played during our sand ceremony we labelled "sand ceremony". etc.

One thing I am glad we did was ask people ahead of time if they had any song requests for the reception.  We sent out an email about 2 months before the wedding.  This way we were able to compile a playlist with a good variety of music and with something that everyone would like.  Our playlist had people up dancing the whole night!

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Hi Meggers,


Thanks so much for the information.  I think I will take your advice and put the music on more than one Ipod.  Thanks for the tip on the Airplane mode!!  I never would have thought of this!!  Wow, I hope the 26 days go by fast and that you enjoy your day!!  Can't wait to see pics (if you decide to post) and your review.  Thanks again!!


Hi Mexico_2011,

I'm hoping that the Ipod Touch works.  I can't see why not, because from what I've been told its the same connector for the Ipod Nano. We have decided to have the violin as the ceremony music.  I was thinking about doing the sand ceremony too.  I guess its easy to do the labelling you did.  Thanks for the tidbit!!  I was thinking about asking our guests to for their playlist ideas too.



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These are three most common options for a wedding at the Barcelo Resort:

Sample of a wedding at the Coral beach:




Sample of a wedding at the gazebo:




Sample of a wedding at the Azul beach:



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Thank you Juan!!!

Originally Posted by Juan Navarro View Post

These are three most common options for a wedding at the Barcelo Resort:

Sample of a wedding at the Coral beach:




Sample of a wedding at the gazebo:




Sample of a wedding at the Azul beach:





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