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I am in full body goosebumps looking at your photos!!!! Absolutely amazing. You and husband looked so incredible. The photographer captured so many memories of the day I feel like I was there. Thanks so much for sharing.


This is by far the best review I've read. Thanks for all the details. As you mentioned the WC's are less that perfect with respect to getting you all the information you need, so this is just great! 


You should share this on the 'unofficial barcelo maya' wedding board as well (if you haven't already and/or if you are comfortable sharing on there). I know I look there all the time for others advice and photos!


Did you have to buy day passes for your make up artists?? How much did that cost?



Thanks again for sharing the details of your amazing day. I can only hope to have the same :)

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Originally Posted by Meggers7484 View Post


Hi ladies!


Not to be the bearer of bad news but I'd consult your WC about using the French restaurant....I heard it is $10,000 extra to rent it! My mom went down for a site dinner last month and they told her that as well. I just don't want you to get your heart set on it before you check!



Thanx for the info. We dont want to hire the whole restaurant as there are only 22 of us, we dont mind sharing with other diners. Fingers x'd it'll be ok. I've heard other wedding parties have had their meal in there no problem so hope it goes as smoothly for us. :o)

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Hi ladies!


So I am down to the crunch, wedding is in 10 days and we are leaving in 6! Whoa, heart skipped a few beats there.


Is there any advice you would like to share?

I thought I would also attach the copies of bouquet options/centerpiece (or center peaces as they would call them wink.gif options just in case you wanted to see what the resort offers :)


Lots of love,












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amiga,  thank you for trusting the vision of del Sol!   


Originally Posted by alib0160 View Post

Pictures: Posting this first because this might be the only thing some brides to be are interested in:

Slideshow: http://delsolphotography.com/blog/content/galleries/?gal=324'>http://delsolphotography.com/blog/content/galleries/?gal=324
All the rest of the Del Sol photos on the pictage page:


Wedding Date: August 7, 2010 at 6pm

Photographer: Del Sol
Vincent Guihard from Del Sol Vincent was great... and his product is FANTASTIC!!! My husband was initially concerned with how much we paid on photography and videos (but what guy isn't), but as soon as he saw the photos he said he would pay double. I suppose you become much more emotionally invested when you see your own photos. Also, I have to credit Melissa Mercado, Del Sol's studio manager, for a lot of our wedding coordination. She knows how busy the resort's wedding coordinators are and Melissa was able to recommend vendors... and send me photographs Del Sol had of their work!! This is how I found my florist...

I do have to say that Vincent kept telling me to look sexy. In retrospect I am pretty sure this meant "keep your shoulders back." I'm pretty hunched over. wink.gif

Check out our pictures!!
Slideshow: http://delsolphotography.com/blog/content/galleries/?gal=324
All the rest of the Del Sol photos on the pictage page: http://www.pictage.com/client/event.do?event=857640&emailFlag=true

We had such an AMAZING time and so did all of our guests. The Barcelo Palace is an amazing resort and I am now in love with the Playa del Carmen area.  I also want to reiterate how wonderful our travel agent Wendy Hicks was. Also, Adrian Guerra (makeup/hair), Del Sol (photo), Mediamorfosis (video), Zaida (Dolcet / cake), and Vanessa Jaimes (florist) were all truly fantastic. Full of enthusiasm and they just made the day wonderful!!! Also have to say.... thank you thank you thank you for this forum and to all the other brides who have contributed!!!!!

Okay - I'm done with this "book." Sorry if I bored you all!! Let me know if you have any questions at all...



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