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I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace July 22nd, 2010. I am so excited, to read all the great things about the resort on this thread. If anyone has any pictures they are able to share with me for flowers and centerpieces the resort has to offer that would be great : )

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Originally Posted by lharkins View Post
I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace July 22nd, 2010. I am so excited, to read all the great things about the resort on this thread. If anyone has any pictures they are able to share with me for flowers and centerpieces the resort has to offer that would be great : )

Welcome to the forum! You will find so much information from this thread. I have been able to get a few ideas of what kind of flowers Barcelo has by looking at pictures from previous brides. I believe they have a book for you to go through but I am not sure if the WC will email you pictures of them or not. As far as the centerpieces go I am going to bring my own. I have it in my mind what I want so it is just easier to bring them with me!
You could always try to send your WC an email asking for pictures. Maybe that would help you out! Good Luck!
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Originally Posted by lharkins View Post
I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Palace July 22nd, 2010. I am so excited, to read all the great things about the resort on this thread. If anyone has any pictures they are able to share with me for flowers and centerpieces the resort has to offer that would be great : )
Centerpieces can be ANYTHING you want. They have a couple binders full of pictures and ideas. If you see something that you like you should save the pictures and bring them or email them to your coordinator. Just to give you an idea...we had a huppa (like the picture below) with 2 arrangements and 1 on the table behind us with our sand ceremony. We had one long table with us at the head of the table (24 guests) and those same 3 arrangements were used at our table with lots of votive candles surrounding them all...it looks sooooo pretty. We had the strawberry package which I believe includes my flowers and one arrangement. For my husband's flower, his dad, my dad, our ring barrier, our moms' corsages, 5 bags of petals including flower girls and the hoopa with the extra 2 arrangements we paid an extra $500 for flowers. I really wanted a hoopa so we didn't mind the cost, plus...those flowers were used at our table. But if you want to keep cost down and more simple, maybe bring something from home or have smaller arrangements. Good luck!
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HI everyone! I'm getting married in April 2011 (it seems so far from now!) and i've been researching resorts for months now! i think i've read all the wedding reviews on this site. With a bit of a push from my family, always asking me where the wedding is going to be, I finally narrowed it down to a region...Riviera Maya and after reading your review Sandra I've decided on the Barcelo!


It looks like a great resort and I havent read any complaints about it yet. the WC's seem really great too...from the reviews. I've looked at alot of pics posted in this thread but i'm wondering if anyone has any pics from the WC's themselves. Maybe pics of the ceremony and reception options? i cant remember the resort but one of them had a picassa album set up with the different options...wondering if any thing like this exists for Barcelo. Thanks!

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Originally Posted by nisi1125 View Post
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if you can rent wheelchairs at Barcelo Maya? We have a 90 year old grandma coming. I was also wondering if anyone knows if projectors can be rented for a slideshow? I know they have business conferences there...
Hey!!! I am not sure about the wheelchair rentals at Barcelo, but I am sure you can email the hotel and they will let you know.

You can buy the Audiovisual package (Projector, DVD, 100" screen) with your wedding package for $440. I am not sure if that price is set in stone but you can find it on Barcelo's 2010 Wedding Packages document.

Let me know if you don't have that information and I can email it to you!
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I was just at the Barcelo and saw a sign that said scooters and golf carts could be rented. Can't remember the price but I think it's listed on the unofficial barcelo maya website: Unofficial Barcelo Maya - Index


Originally Posted by nisi1125 View Post
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if you can rent wheelchairs at Barcelo Maya? We have a 90 year old grandma coming. I was also wondering if anyone knows if projectors can be rented for a slideshow? I know they have business conferences there...
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Hey ladies,

Just wondering how often you've been hearing back from the WC's lately?? Mine is Gabriela.. I would usually get a reply back from within 1 week, 1 week and a half.. but the last email I sent her was on Dec. 29th, and haven't heard back yet...? Just wondering if anyone else's email responses have been slower than usual?

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