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So, 2 of my sisters friends have basically invited themselves to our wedding in Mexico. I am somewhat friends with these girls as well, so I suppose it's ok. Since we are booking as a group, and the room rates are based on double-occupancy, I am worried about the weird-o boyfriends they will want to bring. (They always have some new loser they are dating) Here's my question: Is there a "nice" clear way to request(since they are both friends) that they room together due to limited space, and that this is a private wedding with only family and close friends? This may sound terrible, but we're kind of hoping they will be bummed that they can't bring the boyfriends and decide not to go at all. And if they do decide to go, it's fine with me, just NO outside weird-o boyfriends. Anyone have any good wording ideas, or advice?? :) Thanks!

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Just tell them exactly what you just wrote except without the loser and weird lol. Just be upfront and say the reception is only planned for x amount of people and while you don't mind them coming you just want people you know there. You don't mind them rooming together and that way they can still get their double occupancy. If they don't like it, just like you said, they just won't come. smile78.gif

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I agree- honesty is the best policy. They should understand. If they don't then they are losers like their BFs. :)


Remind them that weddings are expensive- head counts add up. Usually I think it's unreasonable to dictact who people bring to a DW, however they are all friends. They don't need excess company. PLUS they are inviting themselves after all.

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How about saying you've run out of space lol personally I'd say no you're not doing it lol and i've actually done that to friends who decided they'd bring someone I knew but couldn't stand and I told them straight out it wasn't happening - if they wanted to go to Mexico not bothered but they are not invited to the wedding and I don't want to even see them lol


If you are a lot more subtle than I am, which wouldn't be hard lol, just point out that you are limited on numbers

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Originally Posted by Davematthews16 View Post
Is there a "nice" clear way to request(since they are both friends) that they room together due to limited space, and that this is a private wedding with only family and close friends? This may sound terrible, but we're kind of hoping they will be bummed that they can't bring the boyfriends and decide not to go at all. And if they do decide to go, it's fine with me, just NO outside weird-o boyfriends. Anyone have any good wording ideas, or advice?? :) Thanks!
OOH WEE!!! Here we go again... my FAVORITE TOPIC!
It absolutely PISSES ME OFF that people want to just hop along for hte ride to our DW weddings! It's so disrespectful.
yes it's a resort/hotel but it's also a WEDDING.
What I did, after getting requests from friends about their cousin's aunt's uncle's friend's mother's brother wanting to come was say firmly (after totally losing my sh*!!!!!).................
It's a wedding. We are paying PER PERSON, so I'm sorry but the wedding is only exclusive to those we gave invitations to.

The end.

Good luck and stick to your guns, woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BE STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I definitely think sticking to the truth is your best option! We aren't having that problem with our DW but our AHR is completely messed up. People that we sent an invitation to for a RSVP of 2 are RSVP'ing for 6 and sometimes 7!!! It's ridiculous and rude...



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