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January 2009 Brides Post Here

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Hey January Brides!


It's been awhile since I've posted to this thread, but I'm all caught up on everyone's progress!



Cheering to Amanda - your totes are wicked and the sandals you found are perfect!!!!!



Cheering to Chantal - your legal day dress is perfect!!!



Cheering to Nicole - I love your AHR dress... BCBG is my fav too!


So... on my front things have been moving along!!!


With all this talk about Stag and Doe's - Ours was held on October 25th, I have been meaning to tell everyone about it, so if you see another post that is similar to this, I'll probably post something similar again... and since I am a selfproclaimed photo whore, here are some pics!


Our Grand Entrance to the very sophisticated local upstairs to our arena, we live in a closet community of about 500 ppl - a total of 215 people attended our stag and doe


Click the image to open in full size.


this was a gift from my sister/MOH and her boyfriend, he painted this - it is a giant verson of our custom made caricature stag and doe ticket


Click the image to open in full size.


Chad had his eyebrow shaved based on a threat made by his dear late uncle Buck

Click the image to open in full size.


It was a tropical themed Stag and Doe, and my sister/MOH actually provided us some of our own 'vacation clothes to change into

Click the image to open in full size.


We toasted everyone for coming... in my tried and true style!

Click the image to open in full size.


This is the ad that ran in today's newspaper thanking everyone for coming

Click the image to open in full size.


So.... that was our Stag and Doe in a nutshell...


My brother is in a band 'the skids' - they played and it was fantastic!!!!!!


We didn't make that much $, but that is totally cool, it was a great party!


More updates from my wedding planning to come!

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Can you believe we are all getting sooooo close to our big day? I leave for mexico 2 months from today! So excited, and I know you all feel the same way.

I still feel like there are a ton of little things to do... especially thinking that I am forgetting something!


In good news, I ordered the girls' jewlery from Agape Gems, she is a member of the forum and recently married. Her name is Courtney and she is super nice and accomadating! Lots of fun! And my FSIL picked up the BM dresses this weekend! Can't wait to see them!

Also, my sister is making bracelets that I will use instead of corsages for the moms, my friend that is officiating, readers, and friend that is singing! Very excited about that!


In other news, I am traveling every week for work from Minnesota to North Carolina... usually Mon-Friday but had to stay in NC this weekend bc of early appointments on monday am. Argh. Maybe this is why I am so scattered!


Well! Have a good sunday everyone! smile123.gif

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Congrats to everyone on making it this far! We're so close, the rest of the planning should be a cake walk!


Amy, your stag and doe looked like a lot of fun. I have to ask, did your Fi shave the other eyebrow to even things out or is he just living with it hehe! All in all he seems like a good sport about it all.

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msnparty.gif It's getting very close! 1 month and 3 weeks! msnparty.gif


Anyone stressed about anything? I just realized that we never ordered my wedding band, duh, lol, so I was having a breakdown about that, but it can be here in 2 weeks so Im good again hehe!


Other than that, Im just excited and want January to be here!!!

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Wow...it's getting so close!! 2 months from today & I'll be sitting on the beach drink in hand!! woohoo!!!

I can't say I'm really stressed. Maybe I should be...we don't have our documents yet, but that only takes a couple weeks. We don't have our bands yet, but they are picked out. FI doesn't have anything to wear on his feet yet & I have to complete our welcome books. Other than that we're good to go I think!

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