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As if this week couldnt get any worse...

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That sucks. I think everyone has that moment/day/week during their planning where they just want to elope and blowoff the entire wedding! At least your day came far enough from the wedding day that by the time November rolls around you won't even remember how stressed you were today.


But your TA needs to get her act together for real. Give me her number, I'll call her!

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That does suck. You know what, its one less person to stress about. We had a GM back out this week. He rsvp'd and assured him he and his wife would go and we purchased his suit and tie. I had a feeling he wasn't going to go and I wasted so much time bitching to Hans wondering when he was going to book and when he was going to pick up his suit. I knew he was going to back out and honestly, I feel so much better now that he finally confirmed what we were feeling all along.

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Originally Posted by twelve_piece View Post
That sucks. I think everyone has that moment/day/week during their planning where they just want to elope and blowoff the entire wedding! At least your day came far enough from the wedding day that by the time November rolls around you won't even remember how stressed you were today.

But your TA needs to get her act together for real. Give me her number, I'll call her!
your sweet, thx. She actually left on vacation until 5/29, she didn't even bother writing back to me when I asked her again for our airfare cost, can you believe that? I wanted to go and speak with her manager this wknd but FI thinks it will only make things worse...he wants to wait until she comes back so we can sit down with her and get some figures. If she gets a 'tude at our sit down, I'm going to let her have it...enough is enough. fryingpan.gif
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Jess!!! This sort of crap is not supposed to happen. I need to call someone and put an end to this. Now... where did I put that number??


I'm so sorry you're having a tough week! I wish I knew how to help. If there's anything I can do, you know how to find me!

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Oh Jesicca,


I am so sorry this is going on. As for computer stuff - let us know if there's something you need as far as templates, etc. We can pull together and get you what you need. As for MOH -be glad she backed out. The fact that 6 weeks went by without a phone call would have pissed me off too! She was an added stress, and now I'm sure you can bump one of your serious BM's up to that spot. For that TA - she obviously forgot who she was working for...YOU!!! WTFhuh.gif She is so rude! Personally, I would talk to her manager - but if FI says wait...then wait...just not too much longer!


I hope you have a better weekend. Go get your nails done and get some fresh air and sunshine! (that always makes me feel better) :)



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Sorry you've had such a rough week. Here's to better weeks ahead! smile03.gif


As for the MOH situation, forget her! I know its easier said than done but its less stress for you to worry about later. I'd rather she dropped out now than a week before your wedding! Bottom line is people will come & go, disappoint you, be flaky, etc, but the most impt thing is YOU & FI!

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