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Originally Posted by dianep View Post
i worked on our ceremony script over the weedend (finally!!) and didn't even feel the need to use any other resources! i pieced together bits and pieces from all you ladies' scripts and have come up with something i feel pretty good about! talk about cut and paste! started going over it with FH last night and we'll see where we end up. but i can't thank you all enough for sharing!

one question/looking for thoughts:
my mother will be officiating the ceremony. trying to figure out how to word the part of "xxx and xxx would like to thank their parents for..." should we just have my mom say that and make a joke about it, or does anyone have suggestions? thanks!
that's so cool that your mom is officiating!! i think making a joke about it would be cute :)
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Alright ladies, I came on here before for help and so will contribute by posting our ceremony script! I actually composed the whole thing off things I found online, but certain sections seem quite popular on here too! We're travel buff, hence the theme throughout.


I had originally posted on here looking for inspiration for ceremonies in French, and there was none. There is only a little bit of French in our ceremony, and I left it in there for any other bilingual brides!


Sorry, it's long!!!!!!!!! I've left the readings in there.




It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all on this happy occasion to celebrate and witness the marriage of Magalie and Travis. As they stand on the threshold of this great adventure, they wish to make their vows for a life-long union in the presence of their family and friends.


Câ€est avec un immense plaisir que je vous accueille à la cé©monie du mariage de Magalie et Travis. Le mariage est une grande aventure, et ils vous sont reconnaissants, famille et amis, dâ€Ãªtre présents aujourdâ€hui pour les accompagner dans leur décision de sâ€unir en tant que mari et femme.


Travis and Magalie believe that marriage is a journey, chosen by two human beings, based on mutual love and respect that allows an individual to grow more powerfully and more beautifully then if each walked alone. It is the maturing of love, freely given and gladly returned and is both ordinary and extraordinary, because it is about everyday living. Magalie and Travis are grateful that you have chosen to be here and by your presence, to honor their decision to go forward on this journey as husband and wife.


Today I invite you to share the joy -- the joy of these two people who have found joy in each other. You, their friends and family, are all especially welcome here because you form a circle of love. Travis and Magalie are as they are, in part, because they have known all of you. The loved ones in this circle have shared concerns, they have shared both agreement and disagreement, have shared tears and laughter. Through that sharing, Magalie and Travis have become more as persons. You are not just spectators today. You are all a part of their past, and by your presence here, you promise to care with and uphold them as they move into the future.


To show your support I ask you to make your pledge:


Do you promise to love and support Travis and Magalie as they begin their new life together? If so, say “We Do!†--- ALL: “WE DO!â€


This ceremony marks but one step in a continuing process of change and growth in your relationship. Growth is an essential part of marriage as it is an essential part of life. Your relationship will unfold into new dimensions and as you move forward together, your marriage will remain a source of new strength and insight.


Happiness in marriage is not something we should take for granted. A good marriage must be created. It is one of never being too old to hold hands and it is remembering to say ‘I love you†every day. It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. It is not looking for perfection in each other but cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humour. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget and it is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow. It is finding room for the things of the spirit and is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.


Reading 1:

Allons! The road is before us!

It is safe – I have tried it – my own feet have tried it well – be not detainâ€d!

Comerado, I give you my hand!

I give you my love more precious than money,

I give you myself before preaching or law;

Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me?

Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?

-Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road


Reading 2:

Marriage is a commitment to take that joy deep, deeper than happiness,

deep into the discovery of who you most truly are.

It is a commitment to a spiritual journey, to a life of becoming -

in which joy can comprehend despair;

running through rivers of pain into joy again.

Thus marriage is even deeper than commitment.

It is a covenant - a covenant that says:

I love you - I trust you - I will be here for you when you are hurting,

and when I am hurting I will not leave.

It is a covenant intended not to provide haven from pain or anger or sorrow.

Life offers no such haven.

Instead, marriage is intended to provide a sanctuary safe enough to risk loving;

to risk living and sharing from the center of oneself.

This is worth everything.



Before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads ... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way, through some twist of fate, you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, as you promise to forever join your once separate journeys into one.


Travis and Magalie, I invite you to join hand.


These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, and tears of joy. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children. These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.


Travis, in the company of your family and friends and with their love and support, do choose now to stay this path with Magalie, wherever it leads, whatever the outcome; to travel with her through the adventures of life, loving her by your side; in all that you will find? Do you pledge your friendship, faith and love?

-- I DO


Magalie, in the company of your family and friends and with their love and support, do you take Travis to be no other than himself, loving what you know of him, trusting what you don't yet know; with respect for his integrity and faith in his abiding love for you; in all that life may bring you? Do you pledge your friendship, faith and love?

-- I DO


Rings are an ancient symbol, blessed and simple - a Circle, for love that never ends, a circle for arms that embrace; round like the sun, round like the eyes. Made from metals drawn from deep within the earth, may these rings remind you that your love, also, must be drawn from deep within you. Forged in heat and with great effort, may these rings remind you that your marriage is also crafted daily and tempered in the forge of daily giving and forgiving. May the bright gold of these rings remind you that your love, like the sun, is meant to illumine; that your love, like the eye, must see clearly, that your love, like arms that embrace, is a grace upon this world.


May your rings be always the symbol of the unbroken circle of love, for love freely given has no beginning and no end. May your ring always remind you of the vows you have taken.


Travis, repeat after me: Magalie, I give you this ring as one symbol of my love, and with all that I am and all that I have, I take you to be my wife.


Magalie, repeat after me: Travis, I give you this ring as one symbol of my love, and with all that I am and all that I have, I take you to be my husband.


Your once individual journeys have become one of companionship, as you now set forth on a single path together into your future. Your friends and family are as one as well. You will now share those who are a part of your lives as you walk hand-in-hand along the path of your marriage. May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitement a marriage should bring and may life continue to grant you patience, understanding and much joy. Enjoy the journey always.


Vos vies individuelles sont désormais unies – vos familles et vos amis sont maintenant aussi unis. Que votre mariage vous apporte tout le bonheur quâ€un mariage peut apporter, et que votre vie continue de vous accorder patience, entente et beaucoup de bonheur.


It is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you husband and wife!


Je suis heureuse de vous prononcer maintenant mari et femme!


Travis, you may kiss your bride!

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Magalie! I absolutely love love love your vows!!! They are amazing! These are the same kind of vows my FI and I are going to do as well - theme of marriage as a journey, growing together and also giving each other their own space to grow, appreciating the other for who they are, rather than looking for perfection! Your vows are touching and real!! You are going to have a beautiful ceremony!

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For those of you doing the Engagement Ring script, who hands the groom the engagement ring? Does the ring bearer carry it down with the other rings? I added this but now I'm not sure how it is done. Any help would be great!


(Engagement Ring)


The engagement ring is a symbol of promise and intention. Now the intention is realized and the promise fulfilled.


Michael, please place the engagement ring on Jenniferâ€s finger over her wedding band to symbolize that the love that brought you together will always protect and sustain your marriage.

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Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl View Post
For those of you doing the Engagement Ring script, who hands the groom the engagement ring? Does the ring bearer carry it down with the other rings? I added this but now I'm not sure how it is done. Any help would be great!

(Engagement Ring)

The engagement ring is a symbol of promise and intention. Now the intention is realized and the promise fulfilled.

Michael, please place the engagement ring on Jenniferâ€s finger over her wedding band to symbolize that the love that brought you together will always protect and sustain your marriage.
we are having the ring bearer carry all three rings down and she will hand the rings to the minister when asked for them (she's 12 so it's a little different). if you're planning on the BM/MOH holding the rings, then he can give it to FI when needed.
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ooh, i didn't think about who would be carrying the rings! we don't have any attendants or a ring bearer (it's a pretty small deal). maybe i should have my mom (our officiant) carry them?

or, we'll have an altar table, so maybe they could just be waiting there (under watchful eye, of course)?

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