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How much $$$ does your FI / DH make?


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My FI is a stock trader and has been doing it for almost 7 years. He makes well over 6 figures but hates spending money lol I can't even get him to put a patio in our backyard lol I've always been really good about not asking him about how much $ he's got in the bank.. especially before we were engaged. I didn't want him to think I was a gold-digger or anything. He finally confessed to me after we got engaged that he's never brought home less 6 figures since he's started this work. It's an extremely stressful job so he's trying to get into other investments as well as trading just in case the stock market goes to shit..

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FI is in construction management and makes 3 times what i do. our hope is that I won't have to work once we have kids... but in order to do that we need to pay off HIS heaps of debt. thank god hes changed his spending habits.

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My DH makes alot less than me, so I guess that puts me in the minority. We moved to this small town in Indiana for my job, and since we are recent graduates (Me Dec 05 and him May 06) he doesn't have any experience under his belt and there are very limited opportunities here for him. I feel bad for him, because I know he wants so much more for us. He even went out and worked two full time $10/hour jobs to help out more... it does help, but the majority of the bills are on my shoulders... He is a good guy and helps out alot around the house. I just wish we find an area with alot more opportunity and a bigger city to enjoy with each other...like Atlanta...lol :)

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Matt makes slightly less then me on a "paycheck" scale, but since he is a hairdresser in his family owned salon, he brings home LOTS in tips. He will eventually take over the salon and perhaps I will step in as business manager, and we should both make way more money then. At least those are our hopes, since I want to stay home when we decide to have kids in a few years.

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my husband works as a software developer / project leader. He currently makes 70 000$ plus bonus (5 000 - 15 000$). Although he makes more than me (I make 55 000) he has been working for 5 years and me only 2. In three years from now I'll be making pretty much that same amount. So I think we are pretty much the same except that he's 3 years ahead of me. We have a bet as to whether or not my salary will ever surpass his (he thinks no, I think yes because I have better manager skills, although he is amazing at his job, not so much as a manger, so I figure I'm more likely to go into a high paying management position) Oh yeah, and I had to get a masters degree (economics) whereas he is doing this with just a bachelors (computer engineering).

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