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Nominate your MothM for May!


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I agree with Alyssa and would like to nominate Christine as Mrs MOTM for running the emergency fund and organizing the donations for Ann.


For a soon to be Mrs MOTM I would like to see Alyssa nominated. I always find she posts very interesting threads and keeps the forum running smoothly. mod02.gif

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For BTB: Abbey (Dougsgirl) and for Mrs. I'm nominating two b/c I always break the rules: Christine & Ann. Christine works so hard to get together nice things for all those members that are going through a tough time. And the fact that Ann went into labor early and still posted the Biggest Loser weights is amazing. I salute you girls!


And I want to do an honorary nomination for Tammy (host) who drove from her house all the way to the hospital to see Ann with Jackson. If that's not a true friend then I don't know what is.


And if Maura hadn't just won I would nominate her again b/c she is awesome! LOL.

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oh this is tough, but Abbie is awesome and so helpful with giving airline advice and she's so funny and sweet!

For Mrs, I really would love to nominate Tammy for shutting down business for the day to drive to see Ann so she didn't have to be alone, and Sarah for being our on call person during Ann's hospitalization.

Since I can't actually nominate them, I think I would have to nominate Jamy (starchild) for helping me out with some baby stuff...and because she is an inspiration for quitting smoking!

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