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Catholic Ceremonies

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Hey there, wondering if anyone can tell me ....


1) are there restrictions (that you know of) where Catholic ceremonies cannot be done? ie certain days of the week, b/c you're not local etc??


2) is it true you can get married then come home and get the certificate blessed?


Any info re this is most appreciated



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Hi :)


1) are there restrictions (that you know of) where Catholic ceremonies cannot be done? ie certain days of the week, b/c you're not local etc??

~ Do you mean in another country? I guess that would depend where you are going.


2) is it true you can get married then come home and get the certificate blessed?

~ You can always have a Catholic ceremony in addition to a civil one, even years down the line. The prerequisites are the same and are best discussed with your priest, but it is totally possible.


I think years ago the terminology was to have your marriage "blessed", my mom still uses that term. But the Pastor we worked with said that it isn't a blessing, it is a Catholic wedding. As far as the church is concerned the only wedding that counts/matters is the Catholic one.


So even if you have already had a civil or secular wedding, anything you do marriage-wise with the Catholic church after that is still a wedding, not a blessing or renewal or anything like that...at least that's what ours said!

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