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Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by emaya77 View Post
Did anyone consider getting married at Aventura Spa Palace, and if so, why did you choose Moon Palace instead?
We did consider getting married at Aventura Spa (actually it was my first choice) but decided on Moon Palace because it wasn't adult only and my hubby-to-be didn't want to invite people who had families and then basically prohibit them from bringing their families.
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Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! View Post
hey girlies - anyone got any word on when we can start booking our 2010 dates yet?!

I thought it would have been last month sad.gif
I was more than a year out when I wanted to start planning and ran into the same issue that they didn't have any 2009 rates and therefore couldn't start with any of the 2009 contracts. Then once I finally hit that year mark and signed the wedding contract, I found out that flights aren't available until 280 days out (varies by airline) so I ended up waiting a couple more months. So, be aware when you want to start booking and you have to hang out for a couple more months until the flights become available:)

I feel like I've been living the life of "hurry up and wait" for the last year!
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Last post of the day (sorry I was about 7 pages behind on the forum). I know that there has been some discussion about using a TA versus using Travelocity. Some of our guests used our recommended TA and some have used Travelocity and I realize now that it really is all about timing.


For example, my FH just got a quote from our TA last week and it came in at like $1400 and then he did a search on Travelocity for the same date range and flights and it came in at about $1100. Some of my other guests found out about this and they are irate that they paid $300-400 more for their packages than what they are going for now. I've had to explain that the airline and resort industries are CRAZY and that the prices are always fluctuating. On the flip side, this huge price decrease on Travelocity has allowed several guests to come who most likely would not have come if the prices would have stayed at where they are at.


I just checked Travelocity again for the same package that my guests booked last week for $997/person and now its going for $1544/person. This is a battle no one is going to win...


Last item that I wanted to comment on was handling accommodations information. We did an insert with our invites, so like Nibsmom we did the cute one, the accommodations card, and then the RSVP. I really struggled with the wording on the accommodations card so I thought I would share in case anyone was having the same issue. So here goes...


We have decided to take our wedding to Cancun, Mexico. We would love for you to join us for some fun in the sun but understand you may not be able to be there. We hope that you will send your love as we begin our lives together.


Hotel | Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort

All inclusive resort located 5 miles south of the Cancun airport in Cancun's tranquil south shore. Resort details and information can be viewed at:

(provided the MP website URL here)


Information and Reservations

Travel details and information can be viewed on our wedding website at:

(provided wedding website here)


For travel arrangements, we recommend Jane Doe at Jane Doe Travel

phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX | email: [email protected]

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Originally Posted by DWandMJ View Post
Welcome back Laura and congratulations!!!!

You just know that we're all salivating for the photos! Give 'em up!

I know - I know

Actually it is so strange to be 'on the other side'

You will not be disappointed!!

I have guest shots and am awaiting our destination wedding photographers images (may take awhile) They are also completing a web slide show that I can post the link too, once I receive it.

I need HELP though posting pics- funny enough I don't know how. Can someone help mehuh.gif

Wishing you all the best!
Laura aka Mrs. Grifa

PS - it is great being married - it changes things and is awesome!!!
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Originally Posted by nibsmom View Post
Drtracy - I would call and see if you can get a new WC...or just find another's email address on this thread and email that WC...sometimes they'll just pick you up as theirs. I was having issues with my WC a while back and called to get a new one.
Camie-so you can actually just get a new WC? My wedding at Moon Palace is 5/23 and I haven't heard a word, just emails and dates that keep changing. At first it was you'll heard from your WC 90 days beforehand--which is now, then you'll hear from your WC 30 days beforehand..very frustrating
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Lawie - I did. I was actually assigned an onsite WC waaaayyyy out. Months ago. And she NEVER responded to me. I sent her several emails, and then finally started issuing ultimatums about calling if I didn't hear from her within a certain period of time. I never heard from her, so I finally just called...and found out she was on vacation for the next two months. I was peeeeevved!


They had someone else email me with answers to my questions, so I've just kept emailing her instead of my original assigned WC - I still haven't heard anything from her anyways. I just wanted a freakin price list.


It is frustrating about the 90/30 days thing. When I first started all this, it was 90 days, but now everything says 30. I just pestered my Miami contact for price lists enough that she referred me on to the onsite WC. It's hard to budget when you don't have that stuff.

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