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Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 Brides - POST HERE!

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My WC sent me a bunch of information this weekend that some of you may find useful. (Cake & Flower Catalog)

There are a few other files she


Awesome - huge help.


I love, love this forum - it gives us the heads-up on what to expect.


I am gettting more exicted with each post.


Thanks Ladies =)


Laura January 29, 2009 Bride-to-Be

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Originally Posted by HaleGrifa View Post
Wow - a HUGE Help!

Thanks so much

Do you know if you are allowed to remove the red aisle runner? The length of the aisle?

Thank you
You are allowed to remove the red aisle runner. From what I understand, its basically just a long rubberized rug.
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Also, a follow-up on the listing of answers received from Claudia...

I gave her a quick call this morning and she stated that as long as the product is environmentally friendly, we are allowed to use freeze-dried petals.


To anyone interested in using petals, but are on a budget that won't permit spending $40/bag, flyboynaturals.com is running some anniversary sale with some great discounts. Although there are more premium quality products elsewhere, you're also going to pay a premium price. I was able to pickup 60 cups of their "premium" (not seconds rejects) off-white rose petals and 50 cups of antique green/blue/purple hydrangea petals for $110, plus $16 S&H. All of which are deemed "eco-friendly." Although I would have preferred to wait a few months, who knows when a sale like this will come up again. I'll just have to store them in a dark, cool dry place for a few months.

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Originally Posted by DWandMJ View Post
To those interested, Claudia provided a list of answers to my questions that you may find helpful...

Q: I've seen a few photos taken in the chapel with white slip covers placed over the pews. How much does this option run?

A: We do not offer that option. Those are the covers that protect the pews.

Q: I've also noticed in photos that the couple tends to stand behind the altar. May we opt to have the minister stand behind the altar and us in front, as is traditional?

A: Yes, we usually place the couple like that to catch the ocean on their backs, but it is up to you.

Q: Would having candles on the altar in lieu of floral arrangements present any kind of problems? Is there a price listing for rentable glass hurricanes? Decorative river rocks and/or sea glass? Pillar candles?

A: No, if you have a picture I can send you a quotation

Q: We would like to skip the red carpet down the aisle and sprinkle the area with rose petals instead. Is this an option? If so, is there a price structure for this? Approximate number of bags of petals used? Length of the aisle? Is there a policy pertaining to use of silk vs. real petals?

A: We cannot use silk petals because of environmental policies. Real rose petals cost around $40.00USD each bag and you will need approximately 6 bags and it won't look full.

Q: While using the CD player to play the ceremony music, would someone be available to press play/switch songs?

A: Yes, we do have a person in charge. It is important to bring the CD in advance and write down the track numbers for each part.

Hope this helps with some of the outstanding questions...
Thank you so much for sharing this, it was incredibly helpful. Quick question - are you bringing a CD player or does Moon Palace provide one?
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