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Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 Brides - POST HERE!

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Ugh.. I just typed an entire entry only for my comp to go nuts and sign me off!


Anyway.. I have been on and off this site and I hope now I can be more "on"


This month will mark a year into my engagement!


Took us a while to pick the destination, and a few months to pick the location-MOON!


We worked on our save the dates in April and by June we sent them out. By the way the came out awesome! If anyone would like to see them I will try to email them to you! We designed them ourselves (it does help when your FI does design work on the side!).


We started a web site. In June we advised our friends and families to book their air because it was at its cheapest. No one listened and now they are bitching!


During the Summer I went searching for my dress. After shopping around, I found my dress! Now the waiting game begins. My dress will not be in until JANUARY!


Our TA worked out a deal with MOON (others have done the same) instead of (#) rooms booked to receive the free this and that, we need 72 days in total booked.

Now, we asked our guests on our web site if they are planning to attend, YES,NO and MAYBE. Some have been cooperative, while many have not! That is frustrating because our TA needs to block off rooms and needs our deposit. ughh!!


This is where I am at now.

IF anyone has any questions for me please feel free to post!


My questions


My fiance and I would like to book a day or night trip with our guests either before or after our wedding.

Has anyone done a catamaran trip, or booze cruise etc?

Did you and your fiance pay for it, or did you have your guests pay for it (whoever would like to join...)

Did you like it? What would you suggest?


Thanks so much!


I hope to be chatting with you girls soon!!



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Ugh.. I just typed an entire entry only for my comp to go nuts and sign me off!


Anyway.. I have been on and off this site and I hope now I can be more "on"


This month will mark a year into my engagement!


Took us a while to pick the destination, and a few months to pick the location-MOON!


We worked on our save the dates in April and by June we sent them out. By the way the came out awesome! If anyone would like to see them I will try to email them to you! We designed them ourselves (it does help when your FI does design work on the side!).


We started a web site. In June we advised our friends and families to book their air because it was at its cheapest. No one listened and now they are bitching!


During the Summer I went searching for my dress. After shopping around, I found my dress! Now the waiting game begins. My dress will not be in until JANUARY!


Our TA worked out a deal with MOON (others have done the same) instead of (#) rooms booked to receive the free this and that, we need 72 days in total booked.

Now, we asked our guests on our web site if they are planning to attend, YES,NO and MAYBE. Some have been cooperative, while many have not! That is frustrating because our TA needs to block off rooms and needs our deposit. ughh!!


This is where I am at now.

IF anyone has any questions for me please feel free to post!


My questions


My fiance and I would like to book a day or night trip with our guests either before or after our wedding.

Has anyone done a catamaran trip, or booze cruise etc?

Did you and your fiance pay for it, or did you have your guests pay for it (whoever would like to join...)

Did you like it? What would you suggest?


Thanks so much!


I hope to be chatting with you girls soon!!



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Originally Posted by tiffani1980 View Post
Ok, I know that MP has a rule that they will allow only 20% of your guest list to be ppl not staying at the resort......I am doing my numbers and it looks like I will have a total of 29 guests (this is based on ppl who actually booked somewhere, not RSVP's) with 19 (including me and FI) who will be at MP and the other 10 at other resorts.....Has anyone ever been in a case that their offsite guests have been turned away by MP for the wedding?
I've never heard anyone saying any guests got turned away, but then i've never heard anyone saying they didn't meet mp's requirements - either by negotiating with them the percentage or simply making sure numbers are met....I know for us, we have told guests they are welcome to stay off-site for their holiday, but if they do so, they need to book a night at mp for the wedding day. This means that we meet their requirements, but it also means I don't need to worry about any of guests getting chucked out at 11pm while we are all still celebrating!
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Originally Posted by Fabi View Post
Here are some of the files that I have accumulated since I began to plan my wedding at the moon palace.
Thanks for posting these! They will be very helpful. Does anyone happen to know how many points you have to have to view attachments? Happy Planning! -Jenna
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Has anyone ordered flowers from a florist in Cancun. I know Moon palace are strict about outside venders but wondered if this was applicable to florists. I am very reluctant to pay $120 dollars each for my four bridesmaids and for myself. I could get silk ones made but I really like the look of real flowers. any suggestions? many thanks

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Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! View Post
Thanks for attaching those files - there are a few that have been updated since I last seen them!

The meals are very confusing - we are planning on having an outdoor reception, which I've known all along, we can only have a buffet for...which is fine with us...but then on this attachment it says for the buffet we need min. numbers of 40ppl!!! we only have 24!!! jeezzzz! what am I supposed to do with that then?!
Mrs D - they don't use the min/max numbers for weddings - I only had 28 people for an outdoor buffet and it was not an issue.
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Originally Posted by tiffani1980 View Post
Ok, I know that MP has a rule that they will allow only 20% of your guest list to be ppl not staying at the resort......I am doing my numbers and it looks like I will have a total of 29 guests (this is based on ppl who actually booked somewhere, not RSVP's) with 19 (including me and FI) who will be at MP and the other 10 at other resorts.....Has anyone ever been in a case that their offsite guests have been turned away by MP for the wedding?
I have never read that MP turned anyone away but if I were you get something in writing as soon as you can that you can bring in extra people. We went over our percentage by one person and until I had it in writing, I was very nervous. We had 35 staying at the resort and 8 coming in on day passes.

Also, since we had so many coming in for the day, our WC got us a comp room for the day of the wedding. It was very nice for our guests to have a place to change, nap, store their items, etc. It was very nice for them.
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I was wondering if you could share your experience with the different outdoor locations. I was emailed this file with the different terraces. The moon and fountain terrace are out b/c I want dancing and they have a weight restriction.


What is that blue thing in the pic with the selva terrace?

Do the lake, venado, and tucan overlook the water?


Also now my FI is giving me grief for wanting it indoor because of the air conditioning. Our wedding is in August at 5 pm, so the reception will be from 6-10. Will it be cool enough outdoors to dance? I told him that you all said it was really hot even that late at night but he wants me to double check.





Moon Palace Private Function Information-1.pdf

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Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy View Post
I was wondering if you could share your experience with the different outdoor locations. I was emailed this file with the different terraces. The moon and fountain terrace are out b/c I want dancing and they have a weight restriction.

What is that blue thing in the pic with the selva terrace?
Do the lake, venado, and tucan overlook the water?

Also now my FI is giving me grief for wanting it indoor because of the air conditioning. Our wedding is in August at 5 pm, so the reception will be from 6-10. Will it be cool enough outdoors to dance? I told him that you all said it was really hot even that late at night but he wants me to double check.

July 18th my guests were so glad I had an indoor reception set for 7pm. I have heard from locals, August is even hotter. I think a lot of people may have skipped the reception if I had it outside. I had some older people and we were all sweating even in the AC. I don't know how many people are staying @ the resort with you, but I had all 31 guests there and we had plenty of time to hang out and have a good time the other nights. This is your wedding but if everyone is comfortable and has a good time, that's the most important part.

I have pics on my review of the different moon side outdoor spaces. The blue thing is the pool.
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