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Moon Palace 2008 & 2009 Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by pyxystyx View Post
Yea, if you can download them! I must admit, this new rule of 150 posts vs. a number of points- no me gusta.
I have more points than some people who have 150+ posts- does that mean i participate less? I <3 this forum, but there are only so many hours in a day I can spend on it!

Sorry, just had to vent a little... my Best Man still does not have his room reservation done so I've been a bit on edge. : /
Originally Posted by honey740 View Post
agree, you prob won't hit 150 before you go away. pm me with your email addy.
if you don't like the rules you are free to leave. This forum is free to you and you don't have to use our resources. This forum has more resources than you could imagine, 150 posts is not easy to attain.

Also if any of the mods see anyone posting they will e-mail noobs their templates you will be banned, this is a violation of our rules.
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Hey all! We leave today!!! Well, for our hotel - we fly out in the morning! I've been such a wreck - I've had to take sleep aids for the past like 3 nights - my mind won't turn off!!


We ended up needing to bring 5 bags, so I'm definitely freaking out still about customs - I hope I'm freaking out about nothing!!!


Thanks for the tips about the ebay seller. I am really still pretty salty about it.


TINA - I can't wait to see your pictures. I bet you looked so beautiful. Congrats girl!!! You deserved your beautiful day - and rain is good luck!!!

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Hi everyone!


It was quite a busy week/weekend so I feel like I haven't been on forever.


Tina - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed your wedding day! I can tell from reading your posts that you put a lot of effort into your planning and it is always nice to hear when things run smoothly!


Nibsmom and Honey - Best wishes for a wonderful wedding! I'm sure it will be amazing and I can't wait to read your reviews.


Nibsmom - I'm sorry to hear about the eBay incident. My FI lives off of eBay and it's no fun when things don't work out. I'm sure whatever you decide will be perfect! I have had weird wedding nightmares here and there, but I'm finding that it's getting more and more difficult to fall asleep. I feel like I have "to-do" lists floating around in my head!


I had my shower yesterday and it's officially setting in that time is running out FAST!!! I am currently in the middle of a flight issue which is no fun. We received an e-mail on Thursday (yup.... less than 3 weeks before our departure) that our 7:40 flight has been canceled. We were rescheduled for the flight 2 hours later, but I'm stressing because we were already cutting the "3 day rule" close. I e-mailed the resort and they have reassured me that it won't be a problem. My FI thinks it's a good excuse to leave a day early, but I'm not so sure about that. Guess we'll have to see....


I found the wording I'm using for the sand ceremony (whoohoo!) Now I just have my final fitting (Thursday), music, and jewelry which I'm being super indecisive about!

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Originally Posted by MrsGin09 View Post
Hi! My date is coming up soon as well! August 1st! We leave the 29th and i'm already nervous!
honey740- After i booked MP i refuuused to check trip advisor! I stayed at the majestic last year ( in DR) and it was awesome! but there were bad reviews on trip advisor for that week, which made no sense to me! So i suggest ignoring them! I much rather hear from the brides on this forum, this is a great resource and am so grateful to have found you guys!smile29.gif
I am also August 1st! We are scheduled for 5:00 at the Bugamibilias gazebo. AND I totally went to Magestic last summer for vaca! Small world! I second the ignoring tripadvisor thing. I check, but I try not to take the reviews so seriously. People were writing negative reviews about Magestic and I was totally fine with the hotel!

Because we are all planning weddings, we have been in constant communication with the resort. I definitely think this is a plus! I do have a guest who booked through a family member (which is totally fine with me), but I'm a little nervous because I have confirmations for everyone else.

One more question-- We were told that transfers to/from MP were included for us. I booked online and I have told others in my party to do the same. Has anyone had any experience with the transfer company? I didn't receive any type of confirmation about this?
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We're set for the Catholic Mass at the chapel for 3 pm and i'm doing a buffet inside, ballroom called "mars" it's supposed to be near the sunrise lobby, but i havent herad it mentioned anywhere in this thread...I originally wanted a party on tucan terrace, or something near the ocean, but they tell me its booked :-(

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If the transfer company you are using is trafic tours - they are really nice. We just got here yesterday and they did a nice job - very friendly.


It's absolutely gorgeous here. We saw a bride and groom yesterday getting their pictures done on the beach from our balcony - we've also scoped out all the gazebos - they are all gorgeous! We are sooooo excited for Saturday!!

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Nibsmom - Whoohoo! Glad to hear the traveling went well and that you arrived safely! I am using the Traffic Tours company for our transfers so thank you for the reassurance! :) Best wishes for an amazing wedding day!


MrsGin09 - I'm sure the ballroom will be nice! You will enjoy the AC! We are having our cocktail hour on the Bugambilias terrace and then dinner at the Arrecifies restaurant. We aren't having a private reception since it's only 17 of us and we are having a formal AHR on August 28th.

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