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Worst Day ever......:(


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Hello Ladies,


Sorry just had to vent a while. Well, yesterday had my first ever major car accident. My car is totaled. I couldn't believe it. I was a nervous wreck and was in shock. This really sucks, the auto repair shop said my car won't be ready til 3 weeks. This is just hell, my insurance will go sky rocket. And, to make a long story short, I have to admit, it was my fault......sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif


Thanks for listening ladies.

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Jessica I am so sorry. I'm glad your allright. I completely understand b/c I just had a huge accident on sunday. I totalled my FI's car and the other car. It was completely my fault. I can't even go through insurance b/c they would drop my FI (he has had too many accidents) so I have to pay the owner of the other car $3500 or he is threatening to sue me. FI's car is going to cost $2,100 but the place is cash only. I completely feel your pain. smile27.gif

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