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Received the ceremony script from my hotel

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Originally Posted by redheaney View Post
OMG! I hate to say it, but I liked the ceremony wording so much that I saved it! Granted, there are a few spots I would tweak... but I was surprised! Sorry Morgan~
You liked the first one? I posted the one I'm using a few posts down. Don't be sorry :) I don't think it's bad. With a little tweaking it could be great. It just didn't feel like us. The 2nd one I posted does. Maybe it felt too formal for me. I'm going to go reread it to see what wasn't working for me...
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These are the parts that didn’t feel right to me. I don’t think my principal gifts are beauty, insight, love, and tenderness and that Mike gives me nourishment and direction. So I thought if I was only allowed to modify it a little I’d put in words that describe us.


I think the ceremony should suite the couple. So I’m glad we can pick our ceremony to reflect us. But, if this one feels right to you then by all means us it. It’s definitely not bad. Just not about us.


Marriage is the moral way to establish a family, to conserve the human race, and to compensate for the imperfections of the individual that can not be fulfilled within himself


The man, whose gifts are principally courage and strength, should and will give perfection, nourishment, and direction to the woman. Treating her always like the most delicate, sensitive, and finest part of himself.


The woman, whose gifts are principally beauty, insight, love, and tenderness should and will give assistance, consolation and advice to the man,

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Originally Posted by redheaney View Post
OMG! Call me old-fashioned (and I'm SO NOT!) but the first one! I really like it! Don't hate me! LOL. (I actually haven't read the second one fully - I recognized the first and posted) But I still love your cups!! LOL
HAAAA I still love your cups! No way I don't hate you. I'm so glad I posted it so you can save it. I wouldn't say it's old fashioned. Just different than what I wanted. Maybe it's more serious?
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God I think if we have to say all that crap we'll top ourselves lmao


why can't they just say do ya, ya do fab all done lmao


FI has already said mind if it mentions God I'm off lmao I refuse to say obey cause i don't obey anyone (well apart from dad and thats only cause he's bigger than me lol)


If its in spanish he can say what he likes but if its in english I might just bolt lmao

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