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Small Vent...


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I love my DH. He does a million little things that make me smile, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But, why is it that when it comes to our house he only does things 90% of the way?


He'll put his dishes in the sink, but neither rinse them nor put them in the dishwasher.


He'll remember that cans and bottles get recycled, but apparently they get recycled from our kitchen counter! (Its about 5 more step to our recycling bucket in the mud-room)


He'll do laundry, dry it, and then take it out in a huge ball and leave it next to the dryer so that by the time I find it everything is wrinkled! Or, he'll manage to put the ball of laundry into a basket, bring it upstairs and leave it... and then he throws dirty stuff into the same basket!


Its like living with a child! If I don't do his wash, fold it, and put it in his drawers, he'd be perfectly content with pulling wrinkled shirts out of a ball of laundry that's co-mingling with the dirty stuff in a laundry basket!

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OMG! Do we live with the same person? I have one of those at home too! He says he's 'afraid' of the dishwasher so he'll put his dishes in (sometimes) but would never dare turn it on or empty it unless I asked him. He could care less about where he finds his clothes, in a dirty basket, off the floor or hung on a hanger..its all the same to him!smile35.gif

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My hubby is pretty clean when it comes to putting things in their correct spot- ie dishes in the dishwasher. However, there are times when he goes to clean something and instead of finding out where it really belongs, he will just hide it behind a larger object. It's like what the hell. You didn't really clean it, you just stuffed it behind something else.



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Oh don't even start on me on when my DH actualy tries to clean the kitchen! He'll cook something, there will be grease everywhere, and he's convinced that moving the grease around with a papertowel so that the splatters are no longer obvious means that it is clean!

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Add me to the list! LOL! Maybe it's a "Matt" thing! I've started getting a little concerned about myself & feeling extra OCD! But he really is a slob!


How long have you lived together? I keep thinking that in time, I'll somewhat get used to it... but that's never going to happen.


Like you, Jessica - it's our main source of conflict! I could ring his neck sometimes!

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I don't think time has anything to do with it... Sam and I have lived together for over 2 years. He's convinced that I should be impressed with any effort that he makes, because he was seriously the ultimate bachelor when we started dating. He didn't own dishes... or silverware. He had paper and plastic and a single pan and knife. One of the first presents that I ever gave him was a set of Ikea dishes and silverware - lol.


The kitchen is a constant source of frustration because while I may not be a neat freak, I am kitchen OCD. I clean while I cook, and I clean up after I cook, and I can't cook until the kitchen sink is empty and everything is clean. I work shift work, so there are a lot of nights I'm not home. But, when I get my day off after a few nights working, my first job is ALWAYS the kitchen. He'll cook himself something and just leave everything in the sink. Like the maid comes and miraculously cleans it all. Days later, the pot is still in the sink... ughhh!!


Glad to hear I'm not alone ladies :)

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Yep I've got one of those 2 lol he cleans up but not properly lol or he'll clean the kitchen but accidentally forget the grill pan he's just used yuk!! So now I leave it, it kills me but I do lol


Only time I don't is if he's not home for 3 weeks then it gets the better of me lol


I scrubbed this house one weekend it was spotless, he came home shit tip in about an hour!! I've got uniform hanging up on my pine staircase!! I wouldn't mind but its for his mother's wedding and thats not for 2 weeks so why the feck he had to bring it home now is beyond me lol

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