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The Nugget Story ... with Pictures! Updated: 6/17/2008 ... She's officially all ours!


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So ... new news! We got to the hospital this morning, and her feeding tube was out ... YAY! She had gone 24+ hours "nippling" all of her meals (boob or bottle) ... that meant the tube could come out.


Then the nurse tells us the doctor had ordered the car seat study, and to have her vitamins sent to the pharmacy to be re-labeled to go home. We're like wow, so that means we can take her home soon ... like maybe within the week? The nurse said, oh no, probably within days!


So then the doctor stopped by and basically said that if she does well this weekend with feedings and weight gain (and breathing!) that he'll likely let us take her home on Monday. She will be 4 weeks old on Monday, and I'd have been 36 weeks prego. An early release!


Also, to elaborate on the car seat study ... basically the require that the baby sit in the carseat for at least an hour without issues - no breathing issues, spitting up excessively, etc. So the nurse said to bring in our car seat ... we didn't have one! Not only that, but the one we'd registered for (part of a travel system) was recalled yesterday. So we went out and bought just a stand-alone car seat (Graco SnugFit) and brought it in. And we put her in the carseat, and left for dinner ... I couldn't watch! We called the nurse an hour later ... and SHE PASSED! YAY!


So assuming all goes well this weekend, we'll be "real" parents on Monday! What a great Father's Day gift!



I hate this picture of us, but love it of her! The nurse that took it was literally like 5" away from our face. I ought to teach her the "zoom" function.


(notice: NO TUBE!!!!)


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Of course she passed!! She is absoultely amazing! I am so happy for the three of you. I think with all you have been through you have been "real parents" for a while lol. I am so glad she is coming out of the hospital. YAY!

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