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Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
I can't tell you how many girls on here I've heard say they regret not having video. I've never heard someone say "Man that video was a stupid idea. I've never watched it and it made me feel stupid".
Funn you should say that! I had a video done at my last wedding, it wasn't professional but it was really well done and I hated it!!

I looked at it and and thought it didn't even look like me - I get really bad red eye on anything no matter how many filters you put on and I looked like the devil lol

None of my family came to the wedding and when I showed it to my mum she said put it in a box and forget you have it lol (and she never said a bad word about anyone). We did pay for it and afterwards I thought that was such a waste of cash!

I hate even getting my photograph taken so for me I said I don't want it in no uncertain terms. They end up being like holiday photographs everyone says oh i'd love to see it but in reality they are being polite and are bored out their tree watching it lol

Sorry Morgan but you need the otherside of it too lol smile124.gif
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Omg get the video!! If $$ was a problem I'd say use your camcorder, but if you have the $500 then by all means go for the pro. Like Sarah I didn't really notice ours but boy was I glad he was there when I got home & pics weren't enough.


The most fabulous photographer cannot capture sound and I found that sound was a huge part of the experience...the waves, the laughter, the vows, the music that played when we kissed, all of that even Annie Liebovitz would have missed...lol


Truly, the day goes by so fast and I saw things on the pro video that I didn't see when it was live. Plus, a few guests took their own amateur videos and those are awesome, particulary the reception footage where people were filming from different places so not only are there different views but different conversations...many of which I missed because I could only be in one place at a time.


We had our video guy go around to all guests and have them make their toasts privately to the camera, and watching those are priceless. We totally watch ours...believe you me, on a hard day back in reality, popping in the videos make my heart smile - and laugh, my guests were funny!


Long story short, do it!

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I have one that my friend shot and a professional one was included in my package.


It is very nice to have since the day really does fly by.

I was able to see things that were going on that I didn't see, since I was up in a room getting ready and waiting for time to go down.


The one my friend took was a little shaky, but he has a different perspective and it is longer than the one that came in my package.


I looked at them the other day and I can say I am very glad we opted for the video.

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Do it!! I am SO happy that I did one. I couldn't remember anything that happened during my wedding day and when I watched my video for the first time this past weekend, there was SO much that I remembered, but wouldn't have had I not had the video! It's definitely worth the money!

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
it isn't just money though. I don't want us to feel awkward on our wedding day. did the camera make anyone feel nervous? or are you in such a blur you don't notice?
And I honestly didn't feel awkward at all. I don't even remember seeing the videographer or photographer during anything but the posed pictures after the wedding ceremony!!
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Originally Posted by Hartyt509 View Post
Funn you should say that! I had a video done at my last wedding, it wasn't professional but it was really well done and I hated it!!

I looked at it and and thought it didn't even look like me - I get really bad red eye on anything no matter how many filters you put on and I looked like the devil lol

None of my family came to the wedding and when I showed it to my mum she said put it in a box and forget you have it lol (and she never said a bad word about anyone). We did pay for it and afterwards I thought that was such a waste of cash!

I hate even getting my photograph taken so for me I said I don't want it in no uncertain terms. They end up being like holiday photographs everyone says oh i'd love to see it but in reality they are being polite and are bored out their tree watching it lol

Sorry Morgan but you need the otherside of it too lol smile124.gif
Thanks for the other side of things. I guess if the worst that can happen is I lock a video away for no one to see & blew my stimulus check on it, that isn't so bad. The good side of things is I could have this video that I love forever.

I have one video of myself as a kid & I love watching that thing. My parents were throwing a party at our swimming pool & it started to rain. So we went under the carport & my uncle played guitar while we sang. At one point I start doing something that looks like a pop-n-lock routine to willie nelson's blue eyes crying in the rain. I had no idea I did stuff like that as a kid until I saw the video. It really is priceless. I didn't see this video until I was in college & I laughed so hard I was in pain.

I'm talking to mike about it when he gets home. The first time I asked he said he would hate to be on film.
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Morgan I'm glad you posted this question. I have been going back and forth about this very thing. I detest taking pictures I can't even imagine having a video on me during that time. So now after reading all of these responses I'm thinking I should go for it. I hope I don't pass out from embarrassment!! Acutally, I am the most clumsy person out there so it could actually be funny if it caught me doing my usual...running into a wall, door or tripping over my own feet! oops.gif smile120.gif

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I've been going back and forth with this too. fi really doesn't want one, but i think i kinda do. I hate pics of myself but i'm hoping that the wedding pics i would actually like. Plus my grandparents just canceled their trip yesterday so i'm sure they would like to see the video and none of my aunts or cousins are coming and i know they would like to see it too. Guess i'll have to bring this back up to fi again.

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
I've been going back and forth with this too. fi really doesn't want one, but i think i kinda do. I hate pics of myself but i'm hoping that the wedding pics i would actually like. Plus my grandparents just canceled their trip yesterday so i'm sure they would like to see the video and none of my aunts or cousins are coming and i know they would like to see it too. Guess i'll have to bring this back up to fi again.
sound like we have a similar situation. My grandma is talking about canceling because she is not feeling up to it. His grandparents are not going.

I can also edit the video with my pictures & make a really cool montage. I wanted to make something that is about 3-4 minutes long & has all the highlites for people who didn't go.

So now I'm just waiting to see if the guy is available & seeing what Mike thinks...
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